Base URL for all calls:
Documentation for the Salsa Engage Integration API is found here.
This API is useful for integrating Salsa Engage data into other CRM systems. The Engage API enables you to push supporters, groups, and transactions to another system, and pull all those things plus activity data from that system. You'll need an application in the middle to transfer the data back and forth and transform it so that each system understands it. Engage uses JSON to transfer data. Fields that have no value (NULL in our database) will NOT be included in the results. You may specify nulls explicitly in your request if you desire.
Acquiring a Token
All calls made to the API are secured by the TLS protocol, and an encrypted token represents your organization's identity.
You can acquire an API token for your account in Organization Settings -> API tab of Salsa Engage. If you do not see the API tab within the application on the Settings screen, either your organization does not have API access configured, or your Salsa Engage account does not have permission to view that screen. Need access but don't have it? Contact our helpful support team.
This area is password-protected. Enter your Engage password to see the API screen.
The following displays on the API tab:
- Your API token needs to be provided in the calls, which looks like a long series of alphanumeric characters and underlines.
- Metrics such as the last call made as well as the total number of successful and failed calls
- The ability to re-issue a token in the event of there is a belief the current has been compromised.
- The previously issued token and the last time it was used (if applicable).
Call Rate Limits
Salsa Engage doesn't limit the number of concurrent processes that can access the API, but it does impose the following call rate limit. Your token will allow...
- Up to 300 calls to the API within a 1 minute period
- Up to 20 items included in batch/bulk calls - this includes multiple supporter updates as well as searching and pagination calls
- Each item in a batch counts as 1 call and will be counted for the 1 minute period. For example, 15 calls times 20 items in each call equates to 300 calls and will cause rate limiting to be enforced.
- Rate limiting is performed with a rolling 1-minute window - this means you can not perform 300 operations at the end of one clock minute and immediately send 300 more calls when the next clock minute occurs.
- If your organization requires a higher call rate limit, you can speak to a sales representative to discuss increasing it.