When you enable third-party tracking, you will be able to use third-party analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads Global Site Tag, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixel to track the performance of your Salsa Engage forms. For example, you can track the hits and conversions within Salsa back to your Facebook ads account.
Please note that as of July 1, 2023, Google has deprecated Universal Analytics for Google Analytics 4. Anyone using an old Universal Analytics script will have to update their script in Engage to continue receiving tracking data. Read more about Google Analytics 4.
Before you add a script from Google Analytics, you need to create a new property in Google Analytics for your Salsa vanity domain. This is the main URL of your forms:
Click here to see Google's help for setting up properties:
Once you enable third-party tracking, you'll have the option to enable tracking on any Salsa Engage Activity.
- Get a tracking code snippet from your third-party analytics provider.
NOTE: If you are using the code snippet provided by Google Tag Manager, you should omit the <noscript> portion of the code, as Engage pages will always be running JavaScript. Click here for Google help for getting a snippet. - In Salsa engage, click the Settings icon
- Click the Switch to... button.
- Select Third-Party Tracking.
- Click the Add a Tracking Script button.
- Use the Choose a type field to select the type of third-party tracking that you want to enable.
- In the Name this tracking script field, enter that name that you want to use to identify the script in Salsa Engage.
- In the Description field, enter a description that will remind you why you've implemented tracking.
- In the Tracking Script Code field, paste the tracking code snippet that you got from your third-party tracking provider.
- Click Save.
You now have the option to enable third-party tracking for any new Salsa Engage Activity. You'll be given this option on the Compose step of any Activity.
To enable third-party tracking for an already published activity, open the activity, select the Compose tab, enable Third-Party Tracking, and then republish the Activity.