If you receive a donation that is to be matched by another donor, enter the matching gift information on the original donation record for what you expect to receive in the future.
In the example that follows, Doug Waite donated $200. Doug's employer, Section Eight Productions, will match his donation 5%.
- Start entering a new donation.
- After you have entered the required donation information, click the Matching button.
The Matching Donations dialog box opens.
- Enter the name for the constituent (or company) and either press Enter or select the Matching Constituent button. The Constituent Search dialog box opens.
- Select the constituent you wish to designate as the matching donor, in this example Section Eight Productions.
- If no results are returned you will need to add the matching donor in as a new constituent, select the Add button and enter the constituent.
- Back on the Matching Donations screen, the Add Policy button. The policy allows you to keep track how much the matching constituent will match and when your organization can expect to receive payment. In this example, Section Eight Productions will match annual gifts (up to $1,000) made by their employees at a match rate of 5%. Section Eight Productions will pay their matching donation at the end of each year.
- Enter a Description for the company’s matching policy.
- Enter a Percent they will match.
- Enter a Maximum amount of donation.
- Enter a Frequency that relates when you can expect payment.
- Enter any Notes you wish to make about the policy, such as contact information for the plan administrator.
- Select the OK button.
- Enter the Expected Amount (in this example, Section Eight Productions will match Doug’s gift at 5% therefore the expected amount is $10)
- Enter the Expected Date the matching constituent will remit their payment.
- Typically the Status of the matching donation at this point will remain Unpaid until the matching constituent sends in their payment.
- Click the Save button. You are returned to the Donation screen.
- Finish entering the donation as usual.