The Donation screen contains tabs that divide information about gift transactions into separate screens:
- Gift payment details.
- Text notes pertaining to that donation.
- Incentives to distribute to that donor in response to the donation.
- In-kind gifts donated by the donor to your organization.
- Images or other files associated with the gift.
- Event fees like auction item payments or sponsorship payments.
- Subscription-based membership dues.
- Donations made via third-party web sites.
- Bulk-mail solicitations.
- Engage activity, including custom fields.
Your Salsa CRM system administrator, who is responsible for managing and organizing information in the database, first needs to define the batch, campaign, funds, and appeals that describe when and how the donation came to you, why the donor made the gift, and where your organization is going to use the gift.
Donation Page Tabs
Main Tab
This screen displays by default when starting a new donation entry or editing an existing record. Fields at the top of the screen, above the tabs running across the middle of the page, are required data fields that have to be filled in before the donation can be saved. Fields on the main tab, underneath the tabs running through the middle of the page, are optional but can still be very important for recording information about fundraising event campaigns, tribute gifts, or soft credits, for example. The article on adding a donation contains a list of all these fields and their definitions.
On this tab, add text notes that pertain to a specific donation. For example, you may want to note information such as the reason for the gift, information relayed by the donor during the gift making process, or transcripts of emails or telephone conversations relating to this donation. Text from the Donation Notes section is available to output in donation queries. If information is entered consistently and tagged for a specific purpose, you may also filter on the Purpose of the note.
NOTE: The Notes tab only activates once the donation record is saved for the first time.
Donors may receive items from you in exchange for their donations. For example, your organization offers incentives for donations, like thank-you gifts for supporting public television. The donation record tracks assignment of that thank-you gift from the Assign Incentives button on the Main tab.
This tab describes what items have been previously entered into inventory and are now assigned to the primary donor to be delivered to them.
Donors may donate tangible items to your organization, instead of a cash donation. For example...
- Food banks accept in-kind gifts of canned goods and other food items.
- Human service organizations accept gifts of clothing, shoes, etc.
- A donor donates his hockey tickets for a fundraiser silent auction.
Tangible in-kind donations are assigned to inventory for tracking separately from donations. Once you assign the item to your inventory, the inventory entry shows on this Stock tab as a confirmation.
On the donation screen, you may select the Document button if you wish to associate an electronic document, such as a check payment scanned to an electronic image file or a PDF document of an event sponsorship agreement, with this donation. This Document tab displays the uploaded file—if an image file of some kind—or contains a link to download and inspect the document, such as an Excel spreadsheet.
Event Fees
Whether you hold an annual golf outing, gala, or any other type of event, Salsa CRM's Event Management will help you run your event more effectively and efficiently. This Event Fees tab displays paid fees associated with entries like registration fees, auction payments, or sponsorship fees.
Configure, track and manage your paid membership subscriptions. This tab displays subscription data such as the subscription package, cost, action date, subscription start dates, and end dates.
Web Donation
This tab displays information about donations that came from a third-party web form, directed right to Salsa CRM, and were processed via the Web Donation Queue.
This tab identifies donations that came from a bulk mail solicitation. This tab displays the marketing company's finder file contact information.
Split Amounts
This tab displays a quick way to identify donation amounts split amongst soft credits, co-donors, or honor/memorial recipients.
Notify Text
If an Engage supporter dedicates a gift to someone, this tab identifies whom the donor specified should be notified of the donation. It is merely a text box in both Engage and CRM.
Activity Custom Fields
Salsa CRM customers can add activity custom fields to their Salsa Engage forms to collect data associated with a specific activity and have that data integrate with Salsa CRM constituent data. Any custom fields associated with Engage transactions sync to the Activity Custom Fields tab on the donation record.