A Batch enables you to group your electronic donation entry much as you would your paperwork. Entering all donations received in a single day or week into a specific batch is an easy way to organize your work. Each batch should match your deposit schedule, eliminating the need to sort through paperwork to find which donations were included in a deposit. When a financial audit comes around and the auditor wants to see all donations on a certain date, your director will appreciate the organization skills!
To find an existing batch...
- Select the Manage > Batches menu.
- Search for existing batches on the Batch Search window by entering your search criteria. You may search by any of the criteria below, or leave them blank to search all batches...
- Earliest Date
- Latest Date
- Status
- Type
- Posting Status
- Updated By
- Click the Search button to proceed.
- Click once anywhere in the row to open the batch in a new browser tab.
The Batch Explorer screen shows information about an individual batch, grouped by nodes on the left side of the window.
Batch Profile
The main window, labeled Batch Profile, shows details about the Batch Name, Description, Type, Status, and Date Posted. You can return to this screen after navigating to other nodes by selecting the black Explorer button at the top of the Batch nodes list.
- Batch Name can be anything you like when you create your batches, however, Salsa Labs recommends using the date for the batch name, for example, 2016-10-25. This will help you sort your batches in year/date order when you run reports. Batch names may be up to 15 characters in length.
- Batch Descriptions may be up to 50 characters in length, so they are longer descriptions than the Batch Name.
- Batches have a Status of either Open or Closed. An Open batch status allows adding donations to the batch. Closed batches do not allow adding donations to them. Once a batch is closed, you cannot add donations to it. However, closed batches can be opened again at any time.
- Batch Type options include...
- Donation Batches—Batches that contain regular donation records, pledges, and recurring donations.
- Recurring Template Batches—Batches that contain pledges for which lump sum payments will pay off each pledge.
- Recurring Payment Batches—Batches that contain a lump sum payment for a group of people.
- The Posted Date represents whether the donations have posted to your bank account or not. There is no direct linkage to your bank to determine this. The field is there to manually track this information.
Check Wizard
For more information on processing donations by bank check with the Check Wizard, please refer to this article.
Batch Documents
From the Batch Profile screen, you can view Documents, such as checks, which are associated with the batch.
- Click Manage > Batch, and then search for and select a batch or add a new batch.
- Select the Documents node.
- Highlight a document to view. Double-click to open the document
- You may add additional documents from this screen as well.
- The Image Scanning window appears. Add your image as outlined in the Check Wizard article.
- Select the Refresh button to update the Documents screen.
Batch Donations
The Donations node in the Batch Explorer allows you to view a list of all donations included in this batch. From this screen, you can process checks, create a deposit slip, print letters and labels and perform a finance export.
By double-clicking on a donation, you are able to view the original donation record. The buttons at the bottom of the screen offer a lot of functionality and are described below:
- Refresh: Use this button to refresh the batch screen if it has been left open while new donations were added to the batch or by another user on a separate system.
- Print Letters/Receipts using List As…: This button allows you to print all of the selected thank you letters and E-Thank Yous all at one time using the information from the List As field from the donation. When selected, a pop-up window will appear giving you the option to print or send all letters or emails or to print or send all receipts.
- Print Letters/Receipts using Donor…: This button allows you to print all of the thank you letters and E-Thank Yous (for donations that have letters or receipts assigned to them) all at one time using the information from the individual donor and any co-donor information as is entered on their constituent record. When selected, a pop-up window will appear giving you the option to print or send all letters or emails or to print or send all receipts.
- Process Checks: If you have scanned checks into your system, use this button to process them as donations into Salsa CRM. Please refer to the Check Wizard article for more information.
- Print Labels using List As…: Allows you to quickly and easily print labels or envelopes for the donations in this batch. This option will configure the Addressee line of your letter with the donation List As Name field.
- Print Labels using Donor…: Allows you to quickly and easily print labels or envelopes for the donations in this batch. This option will configure the Addressee line using the Title(s), First Name(s) and Last Name(s) from the constituents on the donation record.
- Deposit Slip: Generate a deposit slip using this button.
- Print Acknowledgments…: Selecting this button will direct you to the Acknowledgment Wizard in Salsa CRM. Please refer to the article, Using the Acknowledgment Wizard, in the Salsa CRM's Built-in Word Processor section for more information.
- Finance Export: Selecting this button opens the Finance Export wizard in Salsa CRM. Please refer to the Data Sync section for more information on Finance Export.
- Clear Letter Dates…: This will clear the dates in the Sent field that corresponds with thank you letter or emails so that you can re-print any letters as needed. NOTE: Emails will be re-sent as well.
Web Donations
The Web Donations node allows you to view current web donations that need to be processed, have been processed or are unable to be processed. For more information on processing web donations, please refer to the Credit Card Donations section.
For information on configuring your own Donation Web Page, Web Page Payment Processing and other web configuration information, please refer to the Configuration & Security section.
Recurring Batch
For more information on Recurring Batches please refer to the Recurring Batches article.