Variables allow you to insert dynamic text elements into your form letter templates. The variables you insert will be substituted with the appropriate text when the letter or email is formatted.
The ‘Smart’ variables are affected by any information you enter into the Salutation Override window on the main constituent record. Any information entered into the fields of the Salutation Override window will replace these fields when merging them into a letter.
Common Fields
{{Today's Date}} |
Month, Day, Year (January 3, 2019) |
{{Today's Day}} | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. |
{{Company's Name}} | Your Company Name/Organization Name/Chapter Name |
{{My First Name}} | The first name for the person logged into Salsa CRM |
{{My Last Name}} | The last name of the person logged into Salsa CRM |
Constituent Fields
{{Constituent Number}} | The Constituent Number of the Donor. |
{{Smart Addressee}} |
The person(s) to whom you are mailing.
{{Smart Address}} | The primary address of the Smart Addressee. |
{{Smart Formal Salutation}} | Title + Last Name of the donor(s) or Contact Name of the Organization (if there is no Title on the record it will default to First Name). |
{{Smart Informal Salutation}} | If a nickname is part of your output, Salsa CRM will look for it first. If a nickname is not part of your data, Salsa CRM will use the first name. |
{{Custom Field Name}} | Constituent Custom Field can be merged into your thank you letters. If your Constituent Custom Field is named "Member Level", then the placeholder/variable would be {{Member Level}}. |
Donation Fields
{{Donation Amount}} | The amount that your organization/chapter received as a donation. |
{{List As Name}} | Donor and any Co-Donor(s) or Contact Name/Organization Name, depending on how Salutation Preferences are configured. |
{{Received Date}} | The date you received the donation. Numeric output: mm/dd/yyyy |
{{Received Date Text}} | The date you received the donation. Text output: Month Day, Year |
{{Fund Name(s)}} | The Fund (or funds) that the donation was targeted. Note the (s) in the variable is important! |
{{Fund Amount(s)}} | The amount of the donation directed to a particular fund |
{{Campaign Name}} | The Campaign that the donation was applied |
{{Appeal Name}} | The Appeal that the donation was applied |
{{Reference}} | Gift-in-Kind description |
{{Custom field Name}} | Donation Custom fields can be merged into your thank you letters. If your Donation Custom Field is named "Package", then the placeholder/variable would be {{Package}} |
{{Deductible Amount}} | The amount calculated in the Deductible Amount field |
{{{Non-Deductible Amount}} | The difference between the Donation Amount and the Deductible Amount. |
{{Check or Charge Date}} | The date of the check or the credit card expiration date |
{{Auction Item(s) Total Value}} | Total value of auction items |
{{Auction Item(s)}} | List of auction items with values |
{{Auction Item(s) Without Values}} | List of auction items without values |
{{Auction Item(s) Deductible Amount}} | If an auction item is purchased at a value higher than its own value the deductible amount reflects the difference |
{{Incentive item(s)}} | List of incentive items with values |
{{Incentive Item(s) Without Values}} | List of incentive items without values |
{{Honor Name(s)}} | The name of the living person being honored |
{{Honor Constituent Number(s)}} | The constituent number of the living person |
{{Honor Reason}} | The reason the Honoree is being honored (i.e. birthday) |
{{Memorial Name(s)}} | The name of the deceased person being memorialized |
{{Year To Date Total}} | Donations made this calendar year |
{{Memorial Constituent Number(s)}} | The constituent number of the deceased person |
{{Total Amount}} | Total Donations from the previous calendar year (used for Summary Letters only) |