Once you have created and uploaded a letter document, you need to link that document to donation records.
To configure a simple printable thank-you letter...
- Go to Manage > Configuration > Form Letters and Receipts.
- Click Add Form Letter to Screen.
- Name the letter as it will appear in the dropdown menu in the donation record.
- Set the Letter Type. to Donation.
- Click Display on Dropdown to ensures that this letter is active and visible on the Donation screen.
- Since this is a printable letter, leave the delivery method as Mail.
- Click the Select Document button. This button opens up a document search screen.
- Leave all of the search fields blank.
- Change the document type from DOC to DOCX.
- Click Search. This will bring back all of your documents,
- Click on the letter you want to use from that list. If you have many documents in your CRM, there are a couple of ways to make finding the correct file a little easier. You can use the Search all columns” field to look for keywords in your document description, or toggle the little arrows for the Received Date to show the most recently added documents first. Once you click on your document (tip. click the description text of the letter, clicking the white space between the rows won’t work), you’ll come back to the form letter screen with your selected document showing next to the document selection button.
- Click Save. Now you’ll see your form letter in the list. When you go to a donation record, that letter will be in the dropdown menu.