Salsa CRM gives each user the ability to configure their word processing options for themselves.
NOTE: Configure your word processing options prior to working with the Google Docs editor.
Authorize Google Docs as Editor
To configure your word processing option,
- Select the My Settings menu.
- Make sure you are on the Word Processing tab.
- Select Open Google Docs in the section labeled When "Manage > Documents > Word Processor" is selected.
- Under the Google Drive/Docs section, authorize the account that your CRM user account will use to edit documents by selecting the Authorize in Google button.
- Select the account which will be used to access with Google Docs.
- Allow to access your Google Account by selecting the Allow button.
- Once authorized, the Google Account that is linked to your CRM User account will display on this menu.
A Word On Document Fonts
The Default Word Processing Font configurable item from the My Settings menu only configures the Salsa CRM label printing font. The font you select using the Default Word Processing Font will not be used in the Google Docs editor. Google Docs always defaults to an Arial 12 font, unless you change it.
Google Docs only displays Google fonts. If you select a font you paid for from the font list, or if you use a proprietary Microsoft font like Calibri or Georgia, it will not print as expected from Salsa CRM.
Global Change of Word Processors
For CRM system administrators, there is a new global setting to set Google Docs as the word processor of choice for all users at once. This setting locks the word processing option for all users and can only be turned off by this setting as well.
- Select the Manage menu, then select Configuration.
- To the right, there is a setting to Set Google Docs as the default document editor for all CRM users. Check that box.
- Make sure to Save your changes.
Once you have configured the built-in word processor, you are ready to start creating your Donation form letters!