For a list of pre-created donation or receipt letter templates, please see the article, Form Letter Templates.
- Download one of these templates to your hard drive. The general public does not have permission to edit this template file until edited through Salsa CRM.
- Select the Manage menu > Documents > Word Processor.
- When Google Docs loads, select the Other Word Processing Options button at the top of the screen.
- You may be notified that there are changes to the document that are not saved to Salsa CRM. The document is blank anyway. Select Discard Unsaved Changes and Continue.
- Select Store a document of any file type (.html, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, etc.) that is on my hard drive from the Options drop-down menu.
- Use the Select File button.
- Locate and open the existing file on your hard drive or network.
- Select the Save to Database button.
- Label the file in Salsa CRM with a name that clearly indicates the nature of the document.
NOTE: Document names are limited to 150 characters or less.
To edit that file you uploaded, please see the article on editing an existing Salsa CRM Document.