These settings configure Salsa CRM to send emails on behalf of your organization.
- Send individual or batch emailed donation acknowledgments from donations.
- Create and send an email directly from a constituent record and continue the conversation in your email program's inbox.
Salsa CRM sends emails via the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP). The email message originates from the Salsa CRM server and is relayed through the customer's mail server, then out to the recipient. There are two options for email servers: ours or yours.
To use our email server, click the Default button. Emails will originate from our email server system and will appear to come from the address in the Default 'Reply To' Address field. The IP address of the Salsa CRM server is available on request if needed.
To configure Salsa CRM to be able to send emails through your email server, Salsa CRM requires SMTP authentication on the email server. Salsa supports STARTTLS 1.3 encryption as the preferred email encryption. You can also use SMTP over SSL though most providers are wanting to move away from this encryption. While SMTPS is recommended, it's not a requirement, and plain text email, generally using port 25, can be used if desired.
A Reply-To email address and corresponding name must be configured. That way, anyone replying to your email will reply to that email. If a "Reply To Name" is not provided, the Company Name will be used as configured in the section above the Email configuration.
- Click the Custom button in the Email configuration area.
- Type the email address you wish to use when sending an Email in the Default “Reply-To” Address field.
PRO TIP: Set up a shared email address rather than any one person's real email address. This allows people who receive email from your organization to contact you later, even if the original sender is no longer with your organization. - Type the name corresponding to the address owner from step 2 above in the Default "Reply-To" Name field.
- Type your Server Address name, such as You should not need to enter your server IP address. To obtain the server IP address you will need to contact your System Administrator.
- The Server Port number should be provided to you by your System Administrator. Generally, SMTP uses port 25, SSL uses port 465, and TLS uses port 587. See this article for more information on ports.
- Type your Server Username. This is the email account that logs in for authentication to your server. Typically you just use the first part of the email address. For example, if the email address is, use development.
- Type your Server (Email) Password. That's the password associated with your email used as the Server Username, above.
- Select an Encryption option:
- SSL - Google considers this a less secure option and most email providers no longer support it. Generally uses port 465 (not recommended).
- STARTTLS - Office 365 supports only this option, while most other service providers recommend it now and are moving toward requiring it. Generally uses port 587.
- None - If your email is not encrypted (not recommended).
Tips for using Gmail or Yahoo! as your email provider:
- Gmail—the Server Address is, Server Port is 587, Server Username is your email address with “”, and the Server Password is the password to your account. Encryption is STARTTLS.
- Yahoo Email Plus—The Server Address is, Server Port is 465, the Server Username is your email address without “”, and the Server Password is the password to your account. Sending Limits: 500 Emails a day or Emails to 100 connections a day. Encryption is SSL.
- Yahoo Mail—the Server Address is, Port is 587, Your login info is your full email address (, Password is your account’s password. Encryption is STARTTLS.
PRO TIP: If you are not sure what your server address is, please check with your system administrator. We are not aware of secure information like that.
Default Spouse Relation Values
The lower section of the screen shows the Spouse (Relationship) Designation. The Spouse Designation allows you to expand upon the standard Spouse definition of Husband and Wife to include relationships identified as Spouse, Significant Other, Domestic Partner, and Fiancé. This comes into play in Advanced Queries and Mail Merge where you have the option to include a Spouse’s information in the output or letter. Highlight the Available Spouse Value you wish to be accessible in other areas of Salsa CRM and select the Right Arrow.
Note: When you include spouse information in a salutation, the "Spouse" Value is handled uniquely in queues, when you Merge spouses, and when you perform Mail Merges. If you have only "Spouse" selected here, only people with that specific relationship will be merged. For example, "Husband" and "Wife" will not be merged.