Salsa CRM has integrated with DonorSearch, allowing you the opportunity to efficiently and seamlessly research detailed giving capacity information on your constituents. With the click of a single button, you have instant access to essential, detailed prospecting information.
Prior to configuring DonorSearch in Salsa CRM, you need to create an account with DonorSearch.
DonorSearch Permissions
Prior to using the DonorSearch module, you must first assign the Task-Related Permission Wealth Lookup to the appropriate user(s). Without this permission assigned, a user will not be able to access the DonorSearch Module.
IMPORTANT: Due to the sensitive nature of the data returned through DonorSearch, it is strongly recommended that you limit the number of Salsa CRM users who have this permission assigned to their Salsa CRM User Role.
- From the Salsa CRM main menu, select Manage > Roles.
- On the ROLES frame on the left-hand side of the screen, highlight the Role to which you would like to add the Wealth Lookup Task-Related Permission. You will want to add the Wealth Lookup Task-Related Permissions to the role that has already been assigned to the user who will be working with DonorSearch.
- On the Task-Related Permissions panel, find the Wealth Lookup option, and click the checkbox in the Allowed? column.
- Click Save.
DonorSearch Configuration
In order to integrate Salsa CRM with your DonorSearch account, you must retrieve your API Key from the DonorSearch web site. Once you have logged in to DonorSearch, follow these steps to retrieve your key:
- Click on "My Account".
- Click on "Account Settings".
- Locate and click on "API Key View/Edit".
- Click "View API".
- Enter your DonorSearch password when prompted, and your API Key will be displayed.
- Use your mouse to highlight the entire API Key, then use your browser's "Copy" function to copy the key to your clipboard.
Return to your Salsa CRM browser tab and use your browser's "Paste" function to paste the key in the API Key field. Click Save to save the key in Salsa CRM.
Add DonorSearch Data to a Constituent Record
Before wealth information is added to a constituent record, you would see the following information in the DonorSearch node on a constituent's record: No wealth information has been retrieved for this constituent. Press the button below to retrieve DonorSearch data. A large amount of data must be retrieved - this request may take 15 seconds or more to complete.
NOTE: A constituent Primary address is required in order to retrieve DonorSearch information.
To upload wealth information to a constituent’s DonorSearch profile...
- Open their record, and choose the DonorSearch node in the Constituent Explorer list.
- Click the Open Record In DonorSearch Website button. You must do this first in order to download the information from DonorSearch into Salsa CRM. You are not required to view the profile on the DonorSearch website, though you certainly may.
- Once the report opens in the browser, go back to Salsa CRM and click the Retrieve DonorSearch Information button.
Wealth Reports
Use a Constituent-type Advanced Query to generate reports on this wealth information for your extracted constituents. Please see a couple of primarily important DonorSearch data points with their definitions below:
- DS Rating—an overall rating for the profile based on the detail found. DS1-1, DS1-2 and DS1-3 are high scores indicating that the individual has above average major gift potential.
- Overall High Quality Score—this is a subjective assessment of the accuracy of the data. All matches to wealth and philanthropic giving have an individual quality score. A high quality score is 17.0 or higher and is strong evidence that the content in the profile belong to the person who was searched. A low quality score is anything below 17.0 and is an alert for the user that information may belong to someone else and should be verified. The Overall High Quality Score is the average of all individual high quality matches. This score may increase or decrease when high quality information is edited.