Salsa Engage enables you to capture supporter information from lead ads in your social accounts. Lead ads are a powerful way to run lead generation campaigns. Lead ads let people show their interest in a product or service by filling out a form in the lead ad. When you enable Salsa Engage to work with lead ads, Salsa Engage will capture lead ad information and use it to automatically create supporters.
Salsa Engage lead ads support is automatically enabled when you connect a social account. Click here to learn more about adding social accounts to Salsa Engage.
When supporters fill out lead ad forms on Facebook, Salsa Engage is automatically updated with the information. You can see the updates in the table at the bottom of the page. When fields from a Facebook lead ad form map correctly to Salsa Engage fields, supporter information is ingested automatically. This is indicated in the table when the "Fields Mapped?" table cell is set to "Yes". When there is a discrepancy between a field in a lead ad form and supporter fields supported by Salsa Engage, Salsa Engage cannot automatically map lead ad form fields. In this case, supporter information is not ingested automatically, and the table row for the lead ad form will be highlighted; the "Fields Mapped?" table cell is set to "No". To ingest the lead ad form data into Salsa Engage, you must first map the unmapped fields.
Click any row for more information about the lead.
Map Unmapped Supporter Fields
Salsa Engage enables you to map fields so that supporter lead ad form data can be ingested.
- Click the Social tab > Ads tab.
- Click on the row that contains lead ad form information that Salsa Engage was not able to map. This is indicated by No in the Fields Mapped? column. A new window will open that enables you to manually map fields. The left side of the screen contains the Lead Form Fields. The right side contains Salsa Engage Supported Fields. Any field that Salsa Engage was not able to map automatically provides the option to "Select a Field".
- Click the Select a Field drop-down control for any field that needs to be mapped, and then select the Salsa Engage field that the Lead Form Field should be mapped to. If you cannot find an appropriate field, use the "Do not import" option.
- When all of the fields are mapped, click the Save Mapping button to the bottom-right of the window. The lead ad form data will be ingested into Salsa Engage and the table row for the ad will no longer be highlighted.
Find Supporters Captured from Lead Ads
The Supporter Query Wizard enables you to search for supporters who came from a specific Facebook Lead Ad form:
Send Email to Supporters Captured Through Lead Ads
You can segment a Welcome Series for only supporters captured through lead ads.
- You can create a dynamic group using the query criteria cited above, for a specific form(s). You can then send an email to all supporters who came through any form or only supporters who came from a specific form.
View Conversion Rates
This is something you would have to review in your Meta for Business account. Click here for more information.