Edit a pledge or its installments when, for example, you need to change the total pledge amount to increase someone's promise to give, or to change the installments for the pledge.
To edit a pledge, open the desired pledge and select the Details button.
Change the Total Pledge Amount
The pledge amount cannot be edited on the original donation screen. To change the pledge amount...
- Edit the Total Pledge Amount.
- If installments have not yet been generated for this pledge, you may choose the Distribute Unpaid button to have Salsa CRM calculate the Unpaid pledge installments based on the new amount.If there have already been installments made toward the pledge, click the Distribute Unpaid button to evenly redistribute the revised pledge amount over the remaining Unpaid payments.
- Click the OK button in the lower right corner of the Pledge Details window.
- Select the Save button in the donation screen.
- If the pledge amount and the scheduled installments are not equal the Amount Due will reflect the difference.
If you click OK to close the pledge, Salsa CRM will respond with a warning pop-up advising to correct the pledge so that the pledge and the installments are in balance. Before you can complete the transaction, the error must be corrected in the Pledge Details screen.
Pledge Installments
Pledge installments can have 5 different statuses:
Pledge Status | Definition |
Unpaid |
The installment is not currently paid. Amount Due > $0 |
Paid |
The installment is currently paid in full. Amount Due = Amount Paid |
Underpaid |
The installment is paid for less than the amount due. Amount Due > Amount Paid |
Overpaid |
The installment is currently paid for more than the amount due. Amount Due < Amount Paid |
Write Off | The installment will never be paid and is written off as a bad debt expense. |
You may need to manipulate pledge installments after they are originally created. For instance, you may need to add installments to the end of the pledge period, remove installments, change when an installment is due, or write off installments that won't get paid. The next sections address these possibilities.
Automatically Add Installments to a Pledge
To increase the number of installments...
- Adjust the value in the #of Installment text box.
- Click the Distribute Unpaid button to distribute the amount due over the installments.
- Click the OK button in the lower right corner of the Pledge Details window.
- Select the Save button in the donation screen.
Manually Add an Installment to a Pledge
To add an installment...
- Click the Add button on the bottom right of the Pledge Details window.
- An Installment Details window opens. Select the Calendar icon, choose the drop down arrows to select the Month and Year. Click to select the desired day. Click OK.
- Enter the Amount Due and then select the OK button.
- Click the Distribute Unpaid button to distribute the amount due over the installments.
- Click the OK button in the lower right corner of the Pledge Details window.
- Select the Save button in the donation screen.
Automatically Remove Unpaid Installments to a Pledge
To remove unpaid installments...
- Adjust the value in the #of Installment text box.
- Click the Distribute Unpaid button to distribute the amount due over the installments.
- Click the OK button in the lower right corner of the Pledge Details window.
- Select the Save button in the donation screen.
Manually Delete Installments
You may need to remove a particular installment, for example, if the constituent needs to skip a payment. To delete an installment...
- Click the row that contains the installment you wish to remove so that it is highlighted.
- Click the Delete button on the bottom left of the Pledge Details window. There is no confirmation needed to delete this installment.
- Click the Distribute Unpaid button to distribute the amount due over the installments.
- Click the OK button in the lower right corner of the Pledge Details window.
- Select the Save button in the donation screen.
Change an Installment Due Date or Amount Due
You may need to change an installment due date, for example, if the constituent needs to skip a payment but you want to append it to the end of the series instead of deleting the payment. To manually change an individual installment date or amount due...
- Click the row that contains the installment you wish to remove so that it is highlighted.
- Click the Edit button on the bottom right of the Pledge Details window.
- Change the Due Date or Amount Due as necessary.
- Click Save.
- Click the Distribute Unpaid button to distribute the amount due over the installments.
- Click the OK button in the lower right corner of the Pledge Details window.
- Select the Save button in the donation screen.
Write Off Pledge Installments
If a donor is unable to complete their promise, you may write off pledge payment installments. Installments can be manually written off, or all unpaid installments can be written off all at one time. Please see this article for more information.