P2P registrants cannot register themselves without a valid email address for the following reasons:
- They would not receive the automatic email confirmation that their registration was successful.
- Our Terms of Service requires supporters must opt-in to receive your emails.
The person who registers others will never be able to opt-in others to receiving those communications. Any attendees the registrant registers would have to have opted themselves in personally, by either submitting their own activity or making a donation.
A Campaign Manager may create an offline transaction where the attendee does not have an email address, (but it will not create a supporter record) under the following conditions:
- Configure a ticket to NOT create a fundraising page (for P2P events).
- Enter an offline registration transaction that is not complimentary.
- Under Information Collected for tickets, set email addresses for attendees as not required.
After the attendee and transaction are submitted...
- An Engage record is temporarily created - without an email address. Within a few minutes, that Engage record is deleted.
- The transaction remains. When viewing it, you will see the supporters name (and that they were removed) as well as an offline transaction type.
- After approximately 5-10 minutes, Engage will pass this information to the CRM:
- The resulting supporter record will not have an email address.
- The transaction will be listed under their donations.
- There will be an Activity in the Activities section--which will link to the Engage Event.
Note: To be clear, the link in the activities menu links to the Engage Event form, not the Engage transaction. Once on the Event page, you will need to search through the submissions/attendees list if you wish to find the Engage transaction. - Finally, if applicable, the donation will appear in the potential duplicate queue.