Once you have published an event form and collected at least one registrant on the form, you will find new information generated on the Results tab of the form. The first piece of information you will see at the top is the event performance on this particular form.
View Detailed Results
To the right, you'll see an option to change the timeframe (30 days, 90 days, 1year or Lifetime) of when the data for the graphs in the lower section is pulled.
If you have a specific date range you want to filter by, click the date drop-down and select the range of days and click Apply.
See Performance Statistics for Actions and Messages for detailed information.
Below the event metrics, there are two tabs that report on event submissions and event registrations. The By Submissions tab includes the transaction information and the By Registrations tab contains the individual registration information. For example, if one supporter registers three people for your P2P event, there will be one submission and three registrants for that transaction.
On each tab you can download details to a CSV file or add a new registrant. You can add a new donation to the event on the By Submissions tab only.
By Submissions Tab
This report details the following information about the P2P transactions:
- Transaction Date
- Amount
- Transaction Type
- Payment Type
- Name
- Donated To
The following information is exported to a CSV File when the Download Details As CSV button is clicked:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Home Phone
- Address line 1
- City
- State
- State Code
- Zip Code
- Supporter Id
- Supporter External Id
- Transaction Type
- Transaction Date
- Discount Code
- Donation Amount
- Purchases Amount
- Registration Amount
- Total Discounts
- Subtotal
- Fees Paid
- Total Transaction Amount
- Deductible Amount
- Online Transaction
- Donated To
- Referring URL
- Salsa Track
By Registrations Tab
This report details the following information about the P2P registrants:
- Registration Date
- Name
- Registration Name
- Status
- Fundraising Page
- Purchased by
- Last Update
The following information is exported to a CSV File when the Download Details As CSV button is clicked:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Title
- Phone
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- State Code
- Postal Code
- Country
- Country Code
- Supporter Id
- Supporter External Id
- Ticket Name
- Discount Code
- Registrant Type
- Optional Purchases
- Purchased by
- Purchaser Id
- Purchaser External Id
- Status
- Registration Date
- Last Updated
- Completed Waiver
- Fundraiser Available
- Fundraiser Created
- Fundraiser Page Name
- Fundraiser Goal
- Total Donations Amount
- Total Donations Count
- Team Captain (if Teams are activated)
- Team Name (if Teams are activated)
- [Any Custom Registration Questions]
Registration Details
Clicking on a registrant in this report opens the Registration Details page. On this Registration Details page, you can cancel tickets, edit registrations, and resend fundraiser setup emails to registrants who have not yet claimed their registration page and logged in to the fundraiser portal.
Reallocate Donations
Salsa Engage enables you to reallocate donations between teams and fundraisers. Please see this article for more information.
Change or Hide Donor Wall Display Name
- In your P2P event, navigate to the Results page.
- Scroll down to the Submissions tab.
- Click the donation that you want to change. The Purchase Summary page will open.
- Under Donor Wall, click Edit. The Donor Wall Settings dialog box will open.
- If you want to change the name, enter a new name in the Display Name field.
- If you want to hide the name entirely, click the Show Name on Donor Wall toggle so that it changes to Display As Anonymous.
- Click Save. The donor wall on the fundraiser page will be updated.
Manage Your Event
P2P Welcome Message
Use this section to create automated welcome messages for your fundraisers to see when they sign in to their fundraiser portal. Display further information or links to external PDF documents you need to share.
NOTE: PDF documents cannot be hosted within Salsa Engage and must be hosted within and linked to your web site.
Manually Add Donations to a Specific Fundraiser or Team
Caution: When entering a donation manually, be sure to use the supporter's real email address as you may otherwise overwrite another supporter's record in Salsa Engage.
Adding an offline donation to a specific fundraiser or team will immediately apply that amount to the fundraiser or team goal progress. Adding gifts manually will advance your fundraisers' progress toward their goals, but there is no financial reconciliation in Engage. Consequently, when you receive a check, for example, you'll want to record that information wherever you track finances.
For manually added donations, including offline donations, campaign managers can choose from two payment options:
- Pay Offline (Check or Cash)—If this option is chosen, the payment fields are removed and campaign managers can quickly add a payment amount that will then be tracked in Salsa Engage. Only First Name and Last Name are required for Check or Cash donations.
- Pay Now with Credit Card—If this option is chosen, donations can be made using a credit card. The Email Address and ZIP Code fields are required, in order to verify the credit card information and deliver a receipt.
- In your P2P event, navigate to the Management page.
- Search or scroll to the fundraiser or team that the donation should be applied to.
- Click the dollars icon
in the Donations column to the right-hand side of the row for the fundraiser or team. The P2P registration page will open.
- Select the payment type and fill in the amount and required fields. You should see that the donation amount immediately applied to the fundraiser or team.
- To add another offline donation, close the P2P registration page and select another fundraiser or team from the Management page in Engage.
Coaching enables you to send emails to a specific, Salsa Engage defined segment of your supporters so that you can advise and encourage them.
- Click the Create a Coaching Message button to open up a list of supporter categories. The list includes All Donors, Team Captains Only, and various other groups of supporters parsed by far they've gotten to meeting fundraising goals.
- Select a supporter category. Salsa Engage opens the Messaging/Email tool that enables you to craft a message for the supporter category that you have chosen. The Email will be pre-populated with the email addresses for only the supporters in the category that you selected. See the Emails section of the help for details about crafting emails.
Pro Tip: It's essential to keep the category of support to whom you are writing in mind when you craft your email.
Create Messaging Defaults for Supporter Web Pages
Create messages that fundraisers can use via their web page or the P2P Fundraiser Portal to send solicitation and thank you messages.
- On the Solicitation tab, enter a short message for Twitter or SMS and a longer message for Email or Facebook. Then, click the Thank You tab and do the same.
- Use the head and shoulders icon to open the Insert a merge field dialog box. Merge Fields enable you to insert dynamic text elements into your forms and messages. For example, the message could include a link to the supporter's fundraising page, so when your supporter sends a message to a donor, the donor will receive a link to the supporter's fundraising page. Insert available merge fields and use the radio buttons to format capitalization. Also, enter the message that you want if the merge field for a supporter is blank. Then, click OK.
- Click Save when you've finished writing your messages. When a supporter uses his web page or the P2P Fundraiser Portal to solicit donations or thank donors, the message he sends will be populated with the text and merge fields that you entered.
View and Modify Fundraisers, Teams, and Purchases
These tabs enable you to search for, view, and modify the fundraiser, team, and purchase information. On any tab, use the search field to search by name or email, and then click on any record to open details. Use the Download Details as CSV button to download a CSV file that you can then open in a spreadsheet or upload into a different database.
Fundraisers Tab
View the following information about your P2P Fundraisers within Engage. On this Fundraiser tab you can add offline donations that you wish to count toward the individual fundraising goal. View the following information about your individual fundraisers:
- Fundraising Page Name
- Team Name
- Team Captain
- Status—Active or Suspended fundraisers.
- Claimed—Fundraiser has logged in to their fundraising portal or not.
- Amount Raised
- Most Recent Donation
Click the Download Details as CSV button to export the following information to a CSV file:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Home Phone
- Address Line 1
- City
- State
- State Code
- Zip Code
- Supporter ID
- Supporter External ID
- Fundraiser Page Name
- Claimed
- Type
- Enabled
- Fundraiser Page URL
- Goal
- Total Donations Amount
- Total Donations Count
- Last Transaction Date
- Team Name
- Team ID
Fundraiser Details
Clicking on a fundraiser's name from the list of Fundraisers on the event's Management tab shows you details relating to their participation in a particular event.
- Fundraiser Monetary Progress and Goal
- Hyperlink to Supporter Details Page
- Indicator if Supporter is linked to Facebook
- Hyperlink to Supporter's Live, Public Event Page
- Edit Details of Supporter's Live, Public Event Page —Edit the fundraiser's page name, URL, and fundraising goal.
- Suspend This Fundraising Page—To suspend a team member's page, first ensure that he or she is not the team captain. Click the Team Members tab. then click the name of the person whose page you want to suspend. The Participant Details page opens. Click the Suspend This Fundraising Page button.
Note: Current team captain pages cannot be suspended. To suspend the team captain, you must first make someone else the team captain. - Hyperlink to Team Fundraising Details Page
- Edit—Change the Team to which this Fundraiser is Assigned.
- Download Details as CSV—Download a comma-delimited file of Donors to This Fundraiser.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Home Phone
- Address line 1
- City
- State
- State Code
- Zip Code
- Supporter Id
- Supporter External Id
- Supporter Custom Field(s)
- Transaction Type
- Transaction Date
- Discount Code
- Donation Amount
- Purchases Amount
- Registration Amount
- Total Discounts
- Subtotal
- Fees Paid
- Total Transaction Amount
- Deductible Amount
- Online Transaction
- Donated To
- Text-to-Initiate Keyword (if applicable)
- Text-to-Initiate Reference Name (if applicable)
- Referring URL
- Salsa Track
- Do Not Count
- 360MatchPro Lookup (if applicable)
- Matching Gift Offered (if applicable)
- Minimum Match (if applicable)
- Matching Gift Status (if applicable)
- Last Matching Gift Status Update (if applicable)
- Activity Custom Field(s)
- Add Offline Donation
- Donor List
- Transaction Date
- Amount Name
- Status (Charge or Refund)
- Method (of Payment)
- Send to CRM (if applicable)
Teams Tab
View the following information about your P2P Teams within Engage. On this Teams tab you can add offline donations that you wish to count toward the team fundraising goal. View the following information about your teams:
- Team Name
- Team Captain
- Team Member [count]
- Status
- Amount Raised
- Most Recent Donation
Click the Download Details as CSV button to export the following information to a CSV file:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Home Phone
- Address line 1
- City
- State
- State Code
- Zip Code
- Supporter Id
- Supporter External Id
- Team Page Name
- Type
- Enabled
- Team Page URL
- Goal
- Total Donations Amount
- Total Donations Count
- Last Transaction Date
- Do Not Count Amount
- Team Members Count
- Team Id
Team Details
Clicking on a team's name from the list of Teams on the event's Management tab shows you details relating to their participation in a particular event.
A. Hyperlink to Team Captain's Supporter Details Page
B. Change This Team's Captain
- To change the team captain, click the Change button. The Change the Team Captain... dialog box opens.
- Click the
icon to the far right of the table row for the person you want to be the new team captain. The
symbol will change to a
. Ineligible supporters display as
- Click Save.
C. Hyperlink to Team's Live, Public Event Page
D. Edit Details of Team's Live, Public Event Page—Edit the team's page name, URL, and fundraising goal.
E. Suspend This Team's Fundraising Page
F. List of This Team's Donations and Donors:
- Transaction Date
- Amount Name
- Status
- Method
- Send to CRM
- Donated To
G. List of This Team's Members:
- Supporter Name
- Fundraising Page Name
- Team Captain
- Amount Raised
- Donations
- Most Recent Donation
H. Download Details as CSV—Download a comma-delimited file of Donors to This Team or Team Members.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Home Phone
- Address line 1
- City
- State
- State Code
- Zip Code
- Supporter Id
- Supporter External Id
- Transaction Type
- Transaction Date
- Discount Code
- Donation Amount
- Purchases Amount
- Registration Amount
- Total Discounts
- Subtotal
- Fees Paid
- Total Transaction Amount
- Deductible Amount
- Online Transaction
- Donated To
- Text-to-Initiate Keyword
- Text-to-Initiate Reference Name
- Referring URL
- Salsa Track
- Do Not Count
Team Members:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Supporter Email
- Home Phone
- Address line 1
- City
- State
- State Code
- Zip Code
- Supporter Id
- Supporter External Id
- Fundraiser Page Name
- Fundraiser Email
- Claimed
- Type
- Enabled
- Fundraiser Page URL
- Goal
- Total Donations Amount
- Total Donations Count
- Last Transaction Date
- Do Not Count Amount
- Team Name
- Team Id
I. Add Offline Donation
View the following information about your P2P Purchases made within event registrations. On this Purchases tab you can view the following information about your teams:
- Purchaser Name
- Purchase
- Quantity
- Cost
- Purchase Date
- Details
Click the Download Details as CSV button to export the following information to a CSV file:
- Purchaser First Name
- Purchaser Last Name
- Purchaser ID
- Purchaser External Id
- Registrant Name
- Registrant Email
- Registrant Ticket
- Purchased
- Status
- Product
- Quantity
- Price
- Discount Code
- Discount Amount
- Amount Paid
- Options (for example, Size/Style)
Purchase Details
Clicking on a purchase from the list of Purchases on the event's Management tab opens the Registration Details page. Details about the purchase are at the bottom of the screen.
This tab enables you to syndicate your content. Syndication enables you to share this activity with other Salsa accounts. Once syndicated, the recipient account will be able to view and make their own copy. Click here for more information about syndication.
High-Level P2P Metrics
Quickly review aggregate performance metrics on the main Peer-to-Peer tab:
- P2P Funds Raised—Total money raised by supporters from the following avenues:
- Registrations
- Donations
- Purchases
- Supporters—Total headcounts from the following types of supporters:
- Fundraisers
- Donors
- Top Events—Review the total numbers for your events sorted by the following:
- Registrants
- Funds Raised
- [Page] Views