A Donation Amount Ask String starts at a specific beginning value. The values increase...
- Using a specific set of values that are the same for everyone (Static Amounts).
- Using a set of values different for everyone, based on...
- Criteria the campaign manager builds into calculations based on historic giving found in Engage (Dynamic Amounts).
- Criteria our SMART technology automatically builds for the supporter (Smart Amounts).
You can build different ask string configurations and save them, to copy and use on any fundraising activity. To add an ask string...
- Click the Settings icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- Click the teal-colored Switch to... button on the right.
- Select Donation Amounts from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll down to the Donation Amount Ask Strings section.
- Click the Add Ask String button to create a new Ask String configuration.
- Add a unique Reference Name to distinguish this Ask String.
- Add an optional Description of this Ask String.
- Choose the Ask String Type. The "ask string" is the series of amounts that visitors to this form will see as donation amount buttons.
- Configure the Ask String based on the type of donation amounts you want to display to the supporter:
- Static Amounts—A visitor that does not have a cookie stored in their browser or has an empty base value won't be recognized. They will see the Default Ask Amounts listed here as form donation buttons.
Add new donation values, edit existing values, or delete ones you don't want to use.
- Rearrange values by clicking the dots at the left of the row and dragging the row up or down as necessary.
- Add new values by clicking the Add Amount button.
- Remove values by clicking the trashcan icon on the right end of the appropriate row.
- Check the box at the bottom to Allow supporters to enter their own "Other" amount.
- Click the Save Content button to save this ask string.
- Dynamic Amounts—Engage will use the base value configured here to calculate the donation amounts that are displayed on the donation amount buttons.
A supporter whose browser has a cookie or they have an email blast ID will see these dynamically calculated amounts on the form. A supporter who has an empty base value will see the default values configured below. Anonymous visitors will also see the default amounts.-
Choose a Base Value—Select the database field that serves as the base value for calculating your dynamic ask string. Engage will use the base value to calculate the amount shown on each donation button, according to the configuration for each button (either plus or minus a dollar amount or percentage of the base amount). The base value options are...
Most Recent One-Time Engage Donation
Largest One-Time Engage Donation
Average One-Time Engage Donation
Most Recent Recurring Engage Donation
Largest Recurring Engage Donation
Average Recurring Engage Donation
Supporter Custom Field
Next Suggested Gift Amount
Email Parameter Value
To prevent unexpectedly low or high ask amounts, set a minimum value, a maximum value, and rounding for the base value.
Configure Dynamic Ask Amounts—Enter a test amount in the preview box to check that the amounts are what you would expect. Make sure to test very low, average, and very high values. You can edit the static ask amounts.
NOTE: changing a configuration here will not change any existing forms that do not have an ask string configuration until you apply the configuration to the form and republish.
- Smart Amounts—Engage's predictive SmartEngagement technology allows you to set button values and preselected amounts for each supporter, based on their giving history, location, and other data points. You may apply Smart amounts to one-time donation buttons, but not to recurring donation buttons.
- Preselected Amount Default—Engage can pre-select one donation amount button in the donation ask string automatically, based on SmartEngagement technology. If you would prefer not to have a button preselected, leaving the choice up to the supporter, you may choose to turn off donation amount preselections.
- Donation Amount Increase Default—SmartEngagement technology will identify the correct ask amounts to display for each visitor, based on known data points. In some cases, this may mean asking a previous donor for a larger amount than they have given in the past. Selecting an Optimistic approach will display donation amounts according to a supporter's propensity to give. A Conservative approach will increment the ask amounts by a smaller interval.
- Default Ask Amounts—When Engage does not have enough confidence to identify a supporter and use Smart methodology, they will be presented with the static donation ask amounts configured for this activity. You can edit the static ask amounts.
- Static Amounts—A visitor that does not have a cookie stored in their browser or has an empty base value won't be recognized. They will see the Default Ask Amounts listed here as form donation buttons.