After you publish, Salsa Engage generates URLs and widgets that enable you to...
• Link to a stand-alone Salsa Engage hosted form
This page is hosted natively by Salsa Labs and is included as part of your subscription.
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• Embed your Salsa Engage form into your own website
If you already have your own website, you can copy and paste the code to include the form itself on your website.
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For Events in particular, if you'd like your embedded event to skip right to the registration form, paste the second chunk of code into your website instead of the first.
• Embed a button in your website that links to the Salsa Engage hosted form
Use this widget to embed a button in your website that links from your web page to your new form. To the right of the widget is a sample of what the button looks like.
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Beneath the button, you can click Configure Button. This will open a Button Settings window in which you can change the text, font, and colors of your button. Once you've made your changes, click Save Configuration ».
Widget Tip for Web Developers
In some cases, you may need to wait for the Engage form widget to load before manipulating it. For example, if you use a script to customize values in hidden fields, change CSS or other styling of fields, etc. See Event Callbacks for Embedded Forms.