You have configured your email series, determined who will enter your email series, and configured how they may exit the series. It's time to review your series results for overall performance, level of engagement, and conversion. You can also review individual message performance.
- Click on the Email menu on the left to begin.
- Click on the Email Series tab.
- Click on any email series to see its performance.
- Click on the Series Results breadcrumb.
At the top of the screen, infographics show enrollment statistics, enrollee types, and aggregate messaging performance.
Enrollment statistics include the following:
- Total—How many supporters ever enrolled in the series.
- Currently Enrolled
- Exited Series
Enrollee Types include new or existing supporters.
Message Performance
Find out about your series message performance:
- How many messages were delivered (out of how many sent)?
- Of those delivered messages, how many were opened?
- Of those opened messages, how many had a hyperlink that was clicked?
- Of those clicked hyperlinks, how many supporters converted by submitting that Engage form?
The Completion Statistics graph defines what percentage of supporters...
- Completed the email series.
- Exited the series early as...
- Unsubscribed.
- Marked as not interested in the Message Topic (historical data).
- Manually unenrolled.
- Removed by a campaign manager.
- Email Bounced.
- Reached an exit trigger, such as...
- Completed an Engage form.
- Added to a Group.
Find out how your top-rated messages performed in the following categories:
- Click Rate
- Open Rate
- Signup Page Conversions
- Petition Page Conversions
- Fundraising Page Conversions
- Targeted Action Conversions
- Event Page Conversions
- P2P Page Conversions
The timeline graph gives you a quick, visual representation of your form's performance over time.
You can reveal a great deal of data broken out above in the individual statistics boxes. Just hover your mouse pointer over the graph, and see data points such as the number of Supporters Enrolled in or Exited the series.