Now that you have sent your email blast to your Supporter segment, you will want information on how your blast performed, which emails were unsent, which Split test performed better, which emails bounced, and other pertinent information.
Gain insight into past performance by viewing the Emails menu at any time by selecting the Emails tab on the left side of your screen.
Email Insight
At the top of the Emails tab, a graph reports on the last 30 emails that have been sent, a general timeline of the frequency of your blasts, and graph lines indicating the open rates, click rates, and unsubscribe rates of those email blasts.
For more analytics and detailed data on those email blasts, click on the link to visit the Insight Query tool.
Sent and Unsent Emails
There are two tabs at the bottom of the page that reports on the email blast results for each Supporter in the email audience: Sent and Unsent emails.
Unsent Emails
The following information is available for Unsent emails (columns are sortable):
- Reference Name
- Description
- Status (should all be DRAFT)
- Date Last Modified
- Date Created
- Clone This Email button
Sent Emails
The following information is available for Sent emails (columns are sortable):
- Reference Name (description available by mousing over this)
- Status (should all be COMPLETED)
- Date Sent
- Total Emails Sent
- Delivered
- Open Rate (# opened / # sent)
- Click Rate (clicked a link/number it was delivered to)
- Click-Through Rate (clicked a link/total opened)
- Unsubscribed (total # of Audience that chose to unsubscribe via the Manage Subscription link on that email)
- Date Created
- Clone This Email button
Sent Email Blast Details
When an email is successfully sent, the Results tab of the email blast gives insight into how the campaign has performed.
Funnel Graph
Funnel graphs generally show movement in a process. In this case, an email blast funnel graph shows what happened to different groups of supporters within your email blast audience. The point is that the broader the bottom of your funnel is relative to the top of the funnel, the better. A wider funnel bottom indicates that you were able to get more contacts to take action. Sent is the total number of messages sent. Delivered is the total number of messages that were delivered (didn’t bounce). Open is the number of messages that were opened. Clicked is the total number of messages that had content that contacts clicked. Converted is the number of contacts who followed-through with an action (such as signing up or making a donation).
Subscribers Lost
This graphic illustrates the percent of contacts that could not receive the email blast because the email address was incorrect (“hard bounce”) plus the number of contacts who unsubscribed.
Top 10 Email Clients
Top Ten Clients information helps to tailor your messages to work best on the platforms that are being used most, because not every email client parses the HTML in your email messages in the exact same way.
Top 10 Email Domains
Top 10 email domain information helps to tailor your messages to work best in the domains that are being used most, because some domains may encourage users to turn off image loading, which affects your ability to know whether they're opening your messages.
Email Summary Graphs
Delivered Graphs
These graphs represent an overview of your campaign's delivery. The delivery rate should always be greater than your bounce rate. If you think your bounce rate is too high, it’s time to curate your list of email contacts.
Bounced or "Went to SPAM" emails are emails that contacts never got to see. A hard bounced email never made it to your contact’s email folder. A hard bounce might occur because an email address is incorrect. A soft bounce might occur because the recipient's inbox is full. An email that has been marked as spam made it to your contact but was then flagged as spam.
Opened Graphs
Email opens are tracked by an image downloaded from our system when your supporters open your email. Hence, the percentages below only include supporters using an email client that is capable of displaying HTML with images, and that option is turned on.
Gmail users are an exception, however, because Gmail doesn't send device or browser information when they open your emails. To account for this, we estimate Gmail opens by the device and operating system based on the ratio of your other open data. Knowing how contacts are viewing your emails enables you to focus on the best designs for the greatest number of contacts. For example, if most of your contacts are viewing your emails on mobile devices, you would want to keep that in mind when creating an email blast.
Clicked Graphs
Click rate indicates how engaging the content is that you are providing in your email. It's the ratio of links in your email that were clicked to the number of emails sent.
A high click rate means that contacts are interested enough in what they are seeing to click through. Click-Through Rate is one of your most important statistics. This tells you how many people who opened your email then clicked a link to sign-up, make a donation, or take some other action.
Recipients and Conversions
Recipients and Conversions tabs describe details about supporters who received your emails, directly below the overview graphs.
Recipients are grouped by email address and display unique references. In addition to the email and name of the recipient, the table displays...
- Time Sent - date and time the email was sent.
- Status - whether the email to them was delivered or bounced.
- Result - what they did with the email contents. Shows how far down the funnel they went.
- Unsubscribed - whether the recipient chose to unsubscribe via the Manage Subscription link on that email.
- First Opened - date the email was first opened.
- Links Clicked - how many links recipients have uniquely clicked to-date in the email (not how many times links were clicked).
This report includes a filter on their status (Delivered or Bounced) in the top right corner of the report. Selecting the Download button just above the search field exports detailed data about the recipients in CSV file format. This export contains detailed information including supporter addresses, delivery status, bounce categories (hard or soft), and bounce codes (malformed_email, inactive_mailbox).
Conversions represent link clicks that resulted in the submission of a Salsa Engage form. If the email blast contained multiple links to separate Engage forms, then there may be more than one reference in this table for the same Recipient. Conversions only reference Engage forms; unfortunately, Engage can't track if the link referenced an external form like a PayPal form and therefore cannot be calculated as a conversion.
- Date - the date of the action taken.
- Activity Type - the form submitted because of that email.
- Amount - donation amount if that was the action taken
- Donation Type - One-time or Recurring notation for payments.
Selecting the Download button just above the search field exports detailed data about the recipients in CSV file format. This export contains detailed information, including supporter addresses, delivery status, donation activity.