Email Series are sent out to supporters automatically after a supporter completes a qualifying action or they are added to a Group. Email Series enables you to use the Visual Editor to create as many emails as you need for a series (including Welcome Series), target and exclude recipients very granularly, define what actions will trigger the Email Series, define what actions cause a supporter to exit the Email Series, and then define how long of an interval should pass between each Email in the series. Email Series also enables you to create and queue up a new draft of each live email. Email Series are a great way to cultivate relationships and engage supporters on a continuing basis.
Email Series Process Overview
Here is a high-level overview of the email series creation process:
- Plan and develop the series - In this step, you'll give the series a name and description for internal use. For example, your email series could be a campaign with multiple, scheduled emails automatically sent out to supporters who completed a qualified Activity such as donating for the first time.
- Select the audience - In this step, you will define which supporter actions will trigger the series ("Entry Trigger"), which supporters should never be enrolled in the series, under what circumstances a supporter will be removed from the series ("Exit Criteria"), and whether supporters in the series should receive Email Blasts that are not part of the series.
- Set up the series flow - In this step, you will create messages using the Visual Editor, activate messages as you create them, schedule messages, and then activate the series. Note, to set a schedule for an individual email you must first activate the email. This is different from activating the series.
- Activate the series - When you're ready, you'll activate the Email Series.
Our number one recommendation is to "Keep It Simple (and Short)". By default, Engage limits the size of the HTML code that builds an email to 0.5 MB. This size limit is enforced when trying to publish Email Blast and Email Series messages.
Email size might be affected by any images that were not added via the Engage asset process, such as any images that may have been pasted in via Word or some other program.
The Visual Editor will not show the current size for your emails. The system only checks the email size when it tries to send your email. An error indicates whether your email is bigger than allowed.