The General Configuration section of Salsa CRM allows you to define global settings in your CRM software. Typically, the System Administrator sets the Configuration settings; however, anyone who has the "Configuration" permission can modify these settings.
Company Name
- From the main menu, select Manage > Configuration. You will see the "General Configuration Information" screen.
- Place your cursor in the Company field.
- Add your Company Name the way you wish it to appear on Form Letters and Reports.
- Click Save to store your changes.
Fiscal Year
Enter the start date of your Fiscal Year Start Date by entering your starting fiscal Month and your first fiscal Day in the appropriate fields.
Various Global Settings
Review and select from the following options that are available in the General section:
- Default to Fiscal Year in Performance Dashboard and Constituent Giving Widget—This setting sets the default filters on the Performance Dashboard and Constituent Dashboard Giving Widget to use the currently configured Fiscal Year from above when it is different from the calendar year.
- Maximum (number of) Records to return on Searches—This setting limits the maximum number of records a search will return. The maximum is set globally for all users of the software, not on an individual user basis. Lower numbers will result in faster searches. However, a lower number requires more detailed search criteria to be entered to ensure the software returns the record you are searching for. If more records than the maximum exist in your database, a message will be displayed indicating that more records exist and that you should narrow your search criteria. "More records exist. Narrow your search criteria to view these records."
- Default Image Color Mode—Select the default image type for imported images. Your options are Black and White, Grey Scale, and Full Color. When the Default Image Color Mode is set to Black and White, only TIFF formatted images can be imported. If your black and white image is not in TIFF format, set the Default Image Color Mode to Gray Scale or Full Color. Salsa Labs suggests that you select a default of Gray Scale or Full Color. In special circumstances, such as Gift in Kind, where color and detail are important, you can change the color selection of the individual item on the scan screen.
- Exclude Gift in Kind from Summary Reports—Exclude the Payment type value Gift in Kind in your Finance Summary Report. While the value of gifts in kind is important, it is not actual monies collected. Therefore, you may wish to exclude their value in reports.
- Auto-Insert Period after Constituent Initial—Automatically insert a period after adding an initial instead of a full name in the First or Middle Name field. The period is inserted upon saving the record. This saves time when entering constituents.
- Collection Gift Aid—Gift Aid is used by nonprofit organizations in Great Britain for a tax deduction. This works very differently from the United States tax deduction system. If you are in Great Britain, this setting enables you to record collecting taxes from supporters.
- Dashboard Logo—The logo that appears in the "My Dashboard" view. This logo is for internal use only. This image should be hyperlinked from an external, secure (HTTPS) source. The image will be scaled down to a width of 166px.
- Active Consent—This is a read-only setting, controlled by Active Consent settings in Salsa Engage. This setting does not appear unless Salsa CRM syncs to a Salsa Engage instance.
- Display Data Sync Button—When selected, the Data Sync Map button
appears on the main page of the constituent record and donation records. This button displays a window indicating the source of data that syncs to Salsa CRM.
- Provisioned for NCOA Updates—This setting authorizes the NCOA process for your organization. A Salsa representative can activate this service. Contact Salsa Support for pricing and information.
- Require Two-Factor Authentication to log in—Enable two-factor authentication for the entire user base.
- Allow Donation Back-dating—Selected by default, this setting allows you to use dates before the current date when completing the Received Date field on the Donation screen. If you deselect this checkbox, you will not be able to set a received date before the current date when entering new or updating existing Donations. This ensures that all manual data entry is taken care of on the day donations come in.
- Allow synched Donation Received Date modification—Donations marked with a Received Date indicate the date submitted online by the donor or the date received offline by your organization. If you wish to alter a donation Received Date, first select this setting. For example, you might want to indicate the date the donation is transferred to your bank account instead.
- Allow blank Donation Credit Card fields—This setting allows you to leave the credit card Expiration Date and Authorization fields unentered when entering a manual credit card donation. This is useful if you don't wish to record this information for manual credit entries. You will be reminded it is blank, but you can choose not to be reminded again or in a certain number of minutes from that point.
- Allow blank Donation Credit Card fields—This setting allows you to leave the credit card Expiration Date and Authorization fields unentered when entering a manual credit card donation. This is useful if you don't wish to record this information for manual credit entries. You will be reminded it is blank, but you can choose not to be reminded again or in a certain number of minutes from that point.
- Auto Process Pledge Payments—When CRM data entry users configure credit cards to pay pledge payments, this setting allows automatic payment instead of manual authorization.
- Use Financial Edge Fund Accounting Options—Enables users who utilize Blackbaud's Financial Edge accounting package to see additional options within Salsa CRM that can help track posting dates and adjustments, as well as export data in a format compatible with Financial Edge.
- Gift Aid Text Rate—The applicable tax rate for donations received (Great Britain customers only).
- Assign Geographic Responsibility—As each donation is added or updated, Salsa CRM will determine if the donor has a mailing address. If the donor has a mailing address AND the Assign Geographic Responsibility checkbox is selected, Salsa CRM will perform a lookup on the Geographic Responsibility table. If there is a match, Salsa CRM assigns the ID of that geographic responsibility record to the donation. There will be no visible fields on the Donation screen itself, but Geographic Responsibility has been added to the Donation Advanced Query so you can sort and filter donations by the constituent who has responsibility for that donation. Salsa CRM intentionally assigns the Geographic Responsibility for the donor at the point in time that the donation is initially saved. For example, if the customer donates in California, Salsa CRM will save the Geographic Responsibility Constituent for California with the donation. If the donor later moves to Minnesota, the donation will still have the 'California' as Geographic Responsibility Constituent.
- Display "Split Amounts" Tab—Enables you to attribute a specific amount to each secondary donor even though there was only one donation. In donation entry, you can show split amounts credited to a list of Co‐Donors, Soft Credit Donors, Honor, and/or Memorial Donors. After saving the donation, the user can optionally select the tab for Split Amounts. Split Amounts are only reportable in the Advanced Query Wizard.
- Set Google Docs as the default document editor for all CRM users—Salsa CRM gives each user the ability to configure their word processing options for themselves. However, CRM system administrators can use this setting to set Google Docs as the word processor of choice for all users at once. This setting locks the word processing option for all users. This setting is the only way to turn off global Google Docs usage as well.
- Automatically apply living spousal as co-donor for any donation—This option automatically applies any living spousal record as Co-Donor for any new or edited donation. If you document only one spouse in the database, the spouse is automatically the Co-Donor. If there is more than one spouse (caused by data entry issues, for instance), you will need to choose which spouse to apply to the gift.