To start the Cultivation Process, see the article on adding a Cultivation record.
- To move someone through the Process, expand the Cultivation widget on the Constituent Dashboard if it is currently collapsed. You may also see their entire list of cultivations from the Cultivation node to the left.
- Double-click on their Active Cultivation to edit the cultivation record. The Edit Cultivation window appears.
- Edit the Constituent Phase information as necessary. To move the constituent to the next phase select the Phase dropdown box and click the next Phase.
The Edit Constituent Phases window has several tabs including Touches, Documents and Phase History.
- The Touches tab allows you to add any contact that has been made with the constituent.
- To add a “touch” click the Add button, the Add Touches window appears.
- Click the Touch Type made, enter the Touch Time and edit the Touched By field as necessary. This field is automatically populated with the Responsible Person’s name. To change the name simply click the Touched By button and select Remove Link or Change Link, then search for the person who made the “touch”.
- The Documents tab allows you to add documents to this Constituent Phase making it easy to track what information has already been sent to this constituent. Whether it is a thank you letter or a grant proposal, it is easily tracked in this tab.
- Click Add and the Add Cultivation Documents window appears.
- Use the Select File button to choose the document you wish to attach to this constituent’s Phase.
- The Phase History tab stores all of the phases this constituent has already moved through in this process. Once you change the Phase on the Main tab, the previous Phase is stored here creating one convenient location to track all this particular constituent’s moves.
Once someone has been “moved” through all phases of a Process, you will need to mark the process as complete within Salsa CRM. To complete a process,
- Double-click on the appropriate Constituent Phase listing that coincides with the end of the process.
- Click the Process Completed checkbox.
- The Actual End Date populates with today’s date when the Process Completed checkbox is selected. Click the Save button.
Now when you view the Constituent Phase listings you will see the Completed column shows a check next to the completed Process as in the last line of the image below.
For information on running the Cultivation Report please see the Reports section.