Thank you for choosing the Salsa Engagement Platform, which includes Salsa Engage and Salsa CRM. We are thrilled to help you with your transition to both products. This guide is designed to walk you through each step of the onboarding and data migration/conversion process. After launching your Engage and CRM accounts, the two systems will be connected for a seamless integration.
The implementation process is a collaborative effort between you and your Salsa Onboarding Specialist. The success and timely completion of this process depends on everyone working together!
As soon as your contract with Salsa is finalized you will be assigned a Onboarding Specialist. Your Onboarding Specialist is your main contact at this point as well as your primary Engage and CRM resource until the entire product onboarding and data migration process is complete. The project manager will explain all the steps in the process and keep everyone on track toward an on-time product go-live.
During the onboarding process, your Onboarding Specialist will help you get started with Salsa Engage and CRM. While related, the onboarding process for each is unique and the tasks required for the two products happen in parallel. The remainder of this document details the steps your Onboarding Specialist will walk you through to successfully launch the combined product suite.
What to Expect
Salsa Engage Onboarding Overview & Timeline
Within 24 hours of executing your Salsa Labs contract, you will be contacted by your Onboarding Specialist to schedule a project Kickoff call.
During the Kickoff call your Onboarding Specialist will review the Salsa product suite, introduce you to all of the resources available to you as a Salsa client and explain each step in the onboarding process for Engage and CRM. During this call you will review in detail the Merchant Services application including required documentation to provide along with the completed application, review the data template required for the data migration process and be granted access to Salsa Scholars so your organization may begin product training. You will also be given access to your Salsa Engage application. At the end of the call your Onboarding Specialist will schedule your Engage Build call.
After the Kickoff call your organization will need to complete the online Merchant Services application. Once submitted it typically takes 3-5 business days for the application to be approved and create your account. The default account covers only credit card processing. Please speak with your Onboarding Specialist if you wish to include accepting E-Checks as well, as that is a separate, longer application.
During that time it is recommended that you log into Bonterra Academy, and begin training on how to use Engage. You will also want to begin working on your first Engage form. We recommend organizations start with a donation form. The purpose of the Engage Build call is to jump into Engage with you and assist with any design or form Q&A. The Build call is your opportunity to ask specific how-to questions after you have gone through the Salsa Scholars training lessons. It’s important to note that Salsa Labs does not build your forms for you.
During the onboarding process, we provide guidance and recommendations on form design and best practice and we’ll provide detailed answers for adjusting forms to match the design and functionality required. We’ll hold your hand through the build process, but you and your team will own building the forms.
Following are more details on the Salsa onboarding process.
Salsa Engage Fundraising
Smart Start Fundraising is Salsa’s innovative program to help nonprofits integrate online engagement and fundraising best practices with the functionality and ease of use of the Salsa Engage platform. Once you’ve completed the Salsa Engage onboarding process, you’ll be paired with a fundraising expert from Salsa Labs who will work with you to build initial online fundraising assets.
Your 6-week Onboarding Timeline
- Sign Up With Salsa - Kickoff and Setup Call
- Donation Form - 1 on 1 meeting to set up your first donation form and configure your merchant services account
- Welcome Series - We’ll help you set up an automated email welcome series to acknowledge your supporters, educate them on your organization and invite them to stay connected
- eNewsletter - We’ll help you build timely, relevant content in a highly consumable format that helps your organization remain ‘top-of-mind’ to supporters
- Email Appeal - We’ll help you set up a multi-part email appeal with guidance on timing, cadence and delivery optimization to increase conversion and mission awareness
- Ongoing Support - After graduating from Smart Start, we’ll be there every step of the way. With phone support from 8am - 8pm, ongoing weekly training webinars, and an easy to use help center, you’ve got a true cause as long as you’re with Salsa!
Salsa CRM Fundraising
Initial Steps
After your Engage Account Setup Call has been completed, you will be assigned to a Salsa CRM Onboarding Specialist. Your Onboarding Specialist will contact you (and all known implementation contacts) within 1-2 business days, via email. Your Salsa CRM implementation introduction email will include:
- Confirmation that you purchased a Standard Data Conversion
- Summary of Standard Data Conversion process
- Next steps concerning accessing your Salsa CRM account
- How to access your Salsa Scholars account
In addition, you'll want to download our Standard Conversion Template. Click here to do so. Note: this must be filled out correctly and completely for a timely and successful conversion.
Standard Data Conversions are completed within 2 to 4 business days of receiving your data in proper format. "Proper format" means that your data has been correctly formatted in accordance with our Standard Conversion Template, detailed below.
After reviewing your CRM data conversion, you will sign a Conversion Acceptance Form (CAF) and your CRM and Engage accounts will be connected, thus finishing your implementation. Much of this timeline depends on how quickly and accurately you can send us your data for conversion.
Pre-Data Conversion
You will receive access to Salsa CRM before your data conversion begins. Please note that Salsa CRM implementation works differently than Salsa Engage onboarding. Once Engage is provisioned, you are technically live on Engage and can import data, build forms, create emails, etc. Salsa CRM is different. You are not live until after you have completed your data conversion and accepted it.
Initially, you will have access to your Salsa CRM administrator account. We encourage you to view your blank database as a “sandbox” to experiment with. Please keep in mind that this blank, "sandbox" database will be erased when your data conversion(s) is delivered. In other words, do not enter data into your "sandbox" database that you are not prepared to lose.
Data Conversion Process
You have contracted for a Standard Data Conversion (SDC) into Salsa CRM. Your Onboarding Specialist will perform the data conversion. The SDC is a template driven conversion where you will take your source data and format it according to the Standard Conversion Template. If you are having any issues or questions pertaining to the Standard Conversion Template, please feel free to email your Onboarding Specialist.
1) Data Submission
Your Onboarding Specialist will send you a copy of the Standard Conversion Template as well as instructions for formatting your data. You or someone at your organization will take the data you would like to be migrated and format it according to Salsa’s Standard Conversion Template. When you are finished formatting your data into the Standard Conversion Template, please review it for accuracy and send it to your Onboarding Specialist for review. Your Onboarding Specialist will review your data to make sure it adheres to the guidelines of the Standard Conversion Template. If it does not, your Onboarding Specialist will let you know what needs to be fixed and ask you to make the necessary changes. If you are having problems populating the Standard Conversion Template, please do not hesitate to contact your Onboarding Specialist for guidance.
Things to Consider in the Standard Data Conversion Process
- Use sort and filter functionality to isolate data so you can assess it more easily. (For example, find blank rows, sort, review data formatting integrity.)
- Use Microsoft Excel's "Text to columns" functionality to convert delimited data (comma, space, dash, etc.) in a cell into individual columns.
- Sending Complete and Accurate Data - It is very important to be sure you submit all of your data for conversion at one time. Standard Data Conversions are executed in a single conversion. If we do not receive all of your data when we perform the conversion, we will not be able to convert the additional data for the Standard Conversion fee. It is also important to be sure your data is correct before sending it. If you send us bad/ inaccurate data and your Onboarding Specialist completes the conversion, we will not be able to convert the additional data for the Standard Conversion fee. Of course, if a mistake occurs during conversion, and it is not the result of bad or incomplete data, we are happy to reconvert your data at no charge. Additional fees will only apply if the mistakes are due to incomplete or inaccurate data submissions requiring additional professional services to correct.
- Duplicate Constituents - By default, duplicate constituents are merged on External ID if provided. If External ID is not provided, duplicate constituents can be merged on (First Name & Last Name/Organization Name) or (First Name & Last Name/Organization Name & Address Line 1) or (First Name & Last Name/ Organization Name & Email Address). The merge is based on exact matches though. Additionally, Salsa CRM offers a Constituent Merge Utility that will allow you to identify and merge potential duplicate constituents on a case-by-case basis.
- Scope Limits - Convertible data is limited to what is available in the standard conversion template. You may not add columns of additional data to the template. Additionally, you may not submit multiple templates of data. In other words, if you have multiple sources or legacy datasets, you will need to combine them into a single template for data submission.
- Data Cleansing - Salsa Labs does not perform data cleansing. All data is converted as-is. You can easily edit or correct records in CRM after going live.
- What We Cannot Convert - The Standard Data Conversion package is intended to provide Salsa Labs clients with an affordable, streamlined conversion project that can be completed quickly and efficiently. Some data elements are beyond the scope of the service:
- Documents - We cannot transfer files, documents, or photos from your source dataset(s) into Salsa CRM. However, you can save or attach these in CRM after you go live.
- Relations - We do not convert relations, which is why they are not present in the Standard Conversion Template. However, if spouses are present on a row of data, we will create a generic “Spouse” relation between their constituent records as part of the conversion.
- My Salsa CRM and Common Custom Fields - We do not convert My Salsa CRM & Common Custom Fields, but we do convert custom fields on the main screen and custom fields on the donation screen.
- Cultivation - We do not convert into the Cultivation area of Salsa CRM. If you have some cultivation data that you would like converted, please use your Constituent Note, Main Screen Custom Fields, or Groups area(s) of the Standard Conversion Template to record that data.
- Forms - We do not convert into the Forms area of Salsa CRM. If you have some form data (also called program data or nonfundraising data) that you would like converted, please use your Constituent Note, Main Screen Custom Fields, or Groups area(s) of the Standard Conversion Template to record that data.
- Services - We do not convert into the Services area of Salsa CRM.
- Schedule - We do not convert into the Schedule area of Salsa CRM.
- Membership - We do not convert into the Membership Module of Salsa CRM. If you have some Membership data that you would like converted, please use your Constituent Note, Main Screen Custom Fields, Groups, Donation Screen Custom Fields, or Donation Appeal area(s) of the Standard Conversion Template to record that data.
Single File Import Standard Conversion Template Details
Following are the criteria you must follow when gathering data into a single CSV file for conversion.
Grouping | Field Description | Required | Notes | Type |
Identification | External ID | N | Unique identifier for the constituent. If your source system assigns an ID, please place it here. | Alpha-Numeric |
Constituent ID | N | If your External ID is numeric, and you want it to be used in CRM as the Constituent ID, please place your External ID in this column as well. | Numeric | |
Individual | Title | N | Title of the constituent for example, "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr.", etc. | Alpha-Numeric |
First Name | Conditional | First name of individual constituent. Required for individuals, but should not be populated for organizations. If a compound name (Mike and Karen) is present, we will split it into two separate records. We only split at the presence of " and ", " or ", or " & ". We will create a spousal relationship between the records. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Middle Name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Last Name | Conditional | Last name of individual constituent. Required for individuals, but should not be populated for organizations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Name Suffix | N | For example, "Jr.", "Sr.", "MD", "Esq." | Alpha-Numeric | |
Nickname | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Maiden Name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Ind Type | N | Individual Type is primary classification of constituent. Examples include "Alumni", "Board Member", "Prospect", "Major Donor", etc. This field is a "dropdown box" in CRM. Each value provided in this column will become a value in the dropdown box. Unlike groups, a consituent can have only one individual type. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Gender | N | Alpha | ||
Birth Date | N | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | ||
Deceased Date | N | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | ||
Ethnicity / Race | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Religion | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse First Name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse Last name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Organization | Organization Name | Conditional | Full name of organization, foundation, company, etc. Required for organizations, but should not be populated for individuals. | Alpha-Numeric |
Org Type | N | Organization Type is primary classification of constituents that are organizations, not individuals. Examples include "Foundation", "Company", "Hospital", "Government", etc. This field is a "drop-down box" in CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Org Contact Name | N | Full name for contact of organization. For example, "Mr. John A Smith". | Alpha-Numeric | |
Org Contact Position | N | Title or Position of contact at organization. For example, "Vice President of Marketing". | Alpha-Numeric | |
Alias | N | Alternate name for an organization only. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Correspondence | Preferred Contact Reason | N | Valid values are "All Correspondence", "Non-Solicitations Only", "Solicitations Only". Default is "All Correspondence". | Alpha-Numeric |
Preferred Contact Method | N | This field is primarily used to flag your Do Not Contacts. Valid values are "Unknown", "Do not contact", "Email", "Phone", "Standard Mail". Default value is "Unknown". | Alpha-Numeric | |
Salutation | Formal Salutation Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for formal salutations. | Alpha-Numeric |
Informal Salutation Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for informal salutations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Addressee Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for addressee salutations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
List As Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for list as salutations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
General Note | Note | N | Constituent level note. | Alpha-Numeric |
Primary Address | Address Prefix 1 | N | Primary prefix of an address like a business name or c/o designation. | Alpha-Numeric |
Address Prefix 2 | N | Secondary prefix of an address like a business name or c/o designation. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Address Line 1 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Address Line 2 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Address Line 3 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
City | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
State | N | This must be a valid, 2 character State/Province code. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Postal Code | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Postal Code Suffix | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Country | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Contact | Personal Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | |
Work Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Additional Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Personal Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Work Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Cell Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Fax Number | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Additional Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Info | Group 1 | N | Alpha-Numeric | |
Group 2 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Group 3 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Group 4 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Group 5 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 1 (Main Screen) | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 2 (Main Screen) | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 3 (Main Screen) | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 4 (Main Screen) | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 5 (Main Screen) | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 6 (Main Screen) | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 7 (Main Screen) | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Donation | Received Date (Gift Date) | N | If omitted, current date. | Date, MM/DD/YYYY |
Payment Type | N | Valid Values: Cash, Check, Credit Card, EFT, Gift in Kind, Payroll Deduction, Stock, Wire Transfer. If omitted, Cash. |
Alpha-Numeric | |
Check Number | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Check Date | N | If omitted, Received Date (Gift Date) | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | |
Gift in Kind Description | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
List As Name | N | Name that will be displayed in gift listings and reports. This value is not required. If it is not provided, a default will be derived based on the donor's Title, First Name, Last Name. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Gift Amount | N | Numeric | ||
Deductible Amount | N | If omitted, deductible amount will be set to same value as Gift Amount. | Numeric | |
Batch Name | N | If omitted, Received Date (Gift Date) | Alpha-Numeric | |
Fund Name | N | Fund Name describes restrictions or designations of donation. Example Fund Names are "Unrestricted", "General Operating", "Temp Restricted", "Books for Kids", "Building Fund". It is important to have consistent fund names for easier reporting. This field is required for all gifts. If omitted, a default value will be selected. |
Alpha-Numeric | |
Campaign Name | N | Campaign Name typically describes marketing campaign used to raise money. Examples include "Annual Campaign", "Capital Campaign". This field is not required. Campaigns can be assigned to gifts globally or individually after your data has been loaded into CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Appeal Name | N | Appeal Name typically describes specific marketing tactic used to raise money. Examples include "Newsletter-Fall 2009", "Holiday Appeal Letter-2008", "Personal Solicitation", etc. This field is not required. Appeals can be assigned to gifts globally or individually after your database been loaded into CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Donation Source | N | Donation Source describes the actual source of a donation. Examples include "In-Kind", "Mailing", "Matching Gift", "Monetary", "Online Contribution", etc. This field is a "dropdown box" in CRM. Each value provided in this column will become a value in the dropdown box. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Donation Note | N | Donation level note. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 1 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 2 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 3 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 4 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 5 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 6 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric |
Standard Constituent Standard Conversion Template Details
Following are the criteria you must follow when converting constituents independent of donations into a single CSV file.
Grouping | Field Description | Required | Notes | Type |
Identification | External ID | Conditional | Unique identifier for the constituent. If your source system assigns an ID, please place it here. If you do not have an External ID, we will use a combination of First Name, Last Name, Organization Name, Address Line 1, and/or Personal Email to match constituent records to donation records. | Alpha-Numeric |
Constituent ID | N | If your External ID is numeric, and you want it to be used in CRM as the Constituent ID, please place your External ID in this column as well. | Numeric | |
Individual | Title | N | Title of the constituent for example, "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr.", etc. | Alpha-Numeric |
First Name | Conditional | First name of individual constituent. Required for individuals, but should not be populated for organizations. If a compound name (Mike and Karen) is present, we will split it into two separate records. We only split at the presence of " and ", " or ", or " & ". We will create a spousal relationship between the records. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Middle Name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Last Name | Conditional | Last name of individual constituent. Required for individuals, but should not be populated for organizations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Name Suffix | N | For example, "Jr.", "Sr.", "MD", "Esq." | Alpha-Numeric | |
Nickname | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Maiden Name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Ind Type | N | Individual Type is primary classification of constituent. Examples include "Alumni", "Board Member", "Prospect", "Major Donor", etc. This field is a "dropdown box" in CRM. Each value provided in this column will become a value in the dropdown box. Unlike groups, a consituent can have only one individual type. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Gender | N | Alpha | ||
Birth Date | N | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | ||
Deceased Date | N | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | ||
Ethnicity / Race | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Religion | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse First Name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse Last name | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Spouse Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Organization | Organization Name | Conditional | Full name of organization, foundation, company, etc. Required for organizations, but should not be populated for individuals. | Alpha-Numeric |
Org Type | N | Organization Type is primary classification of constituents that are organizations, not individuals. Examples include "Foundation", "Company", "Hospital", "Government", etc. This field is a "dropdown box" in CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Org Contact Name | N | Full name for contact of organization. For example, "Mr. John A Smith". | Alpha-Numeric | |
Org Contact Position | N | Title or Position of contact at organization. For example, "Vice President of Marketing". | Alpha-Numeric | |
Alias | N | Alternate name for an organization only. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Correspondence | Preferred Contact Reason | N | Valid values are "All Correspondence", "Non-Solicitations Only", "Solicitations Only". Default is "All Correspondence". | Alpha-Numeric |
Preferred Contact Method | N | This field is primarily used to flag your Do Not Contacts. Valid values are "Unknown", "Do not contact", "Email", "Phone", "Standard Mail". Default value is "Unknown". | Alpha-Numeric | |
Salutation | Formal Salutation Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for formal salutations. | Alpha-Numeric |
Informal Salutation Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for informal salutations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Addressee Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for addressee salutations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
List As Override | N | CRM builds salutations, but this is an override value for list as salutations. | Alpha-Numeric | |
General Note | Note | N | Constituent level note. | Alpha-Numeric |
Primary Address | Address Prefix 1 | N | Primary prefix of an address like a business name or c/o designation. | Alpha-Numeric |
Address Prefix 2 | N | Secondary prefix of an address like a business name or c/o designation. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Address Line 1 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Address Line 2 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Address Line 3 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
City | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
State | N | This must be a valid, 2 character State/Province code. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Postal Code | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Postal Code Suffix | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Country | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Contact | Personal Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | |
Work Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Additional Email | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Personal Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Work Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Cell Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Fax Number | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Additional Phone | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Info | Group 1 | N | Alpha-Numeric | |
Group 2 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Group 3 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Group 4 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Group 5 | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Custom Field 1 (Main Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 2 (Main Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 3 (Main Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 4 (Main Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 5 (Main Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 6 (Main Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 7 (Main Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric |
Standard Donation Standard Conversion Template Details
Following are the criteria you must follow when converting donations independent of constituents into a single CSV file.
Grouping | Field Description | Required | Notes | Type |
Identification | External ID | Conditional | Unique identifier for the constituent. If your source system assigns an ID, please place it here. If you do not have an External ID, we will use a combination of First Name, Last Name, Organization Name, Address Line 1, and/or Personal Email to match constituent records to donation records. | Alpha-Numeric |
First Name | Conditional | If no External ID available, add this field if available. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Last Name | Conditional | If no External ID available, add this field if available. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Organization Name | Conditional | If no External ID available, add this field if available. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Address Line 1 | Conditional | If no External ID available, add this field if available. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Personal Email | Conditional | If no External ID available, add this field if available. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Donation | Received Date (Gift Date) | N | If omitted, current date. | Date, MM/DD/YYYY |
Payment Type | N | Valid Values: Cash, Check, Credit Card, EFT, Gift in Kind, Payroll Deduction, Stock, Wire Transfer. If omitted, Cash. |
Alpha-Numeric | |
Check Number | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
Check Date | N | If omitted, Received Date (Gift Date) | Date, MM/DD/YYYY | |
Gift in Kind Description | N | Alpha-Numeric | ||
List As Name | N | Name that will be displayed in gift listings and reports. This value is not required. If it is not provided, a default will be derived based on the donor's Title, First Name, Last Name. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Gift Amount | N | Numeric | ||
Deductible Amount | N | If omitted, deductible amount will be set to same value as Gift Amount. | Numeric | |
Batch Name | N | If omitted, Received Date (Gift Date) | Alpha-Numeric | |
Fund Name | N | Fund Name describes restrictions or designations of donation. Example Fund Names are "Unrestricted", "General Operating", "Temp Restricted", "Books for Kids", "Building Fund". It is important to have consistent fund names for easier reporting. This field is required for all gifts. If omitted, a default value will be selected. |
Alpha-Numeric | |
Campaign Name | N | Campaign Name typically describes marketing campaign used to raise money. Examples include "Annual Campaign", "Capital Campaign". This field is not required. Campaigns can be assigned to gifts globally or individually after your data has been loaded into CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Appeal Name | N | Appeal Name typically describes specific marketing tactic used to raise money. Examples include "Newsletter-Fall 2009", "Holiday Appeal Letter-2008", "Personal Solicitation", etc. This field is not required. Appeals can be assigned to gifts globally or individually after your data base been loaded into CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Donation Source | N | Donation Source describes the actual source of a donation. Examples include "In-Kind", "Mailing", "Matching Gift", "Monetary", "Online Contribution", etc. This field is a "dropdown box" in CRM. Each value provided in this column will become a value in the dropdown box. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Donation Note | N | Donation level note. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 1 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 2 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 3 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 4 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 5 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric | |
Custom Field 6 (Donation Screen) | N | This is a field that you can use for any donation data that you collect that is not represented by a field that already exists in Salsa CRM. | Alpha-Numeric |
2) Data Mapping and Conversion
When your data is in the suitable format for conversion, your Onboarding Specialist will convert your data into Salsa CRM. With the Standard Data Conversion, you are placing your data into the appropriate (corresponding) data column in the spreadsheet. By doing this, you will know exactly where your data will be migrated to in CRM. This drastically minimizes the time required to map data between your source system and CRM.
3) CRM Delivery
Upon completion of a successful data conversion, your Onboarding Specialist will post your completed data conversion to your existing Salsa CRM account. Please remember that your initial (blank) CRM database will be replaced with your converted data. Your Onboarding Specialist will notify you via email. That email will contain new credentials for your Salsa CRM Administrator account. Additionally, that email could contain data mapping details about your data conversion. We ask you to begin your review of your Salsa CRM account with your source data now in the CRM database.
4) Conversion Review and Acceptance
We ask that you take some time to review your Salsa CRM database upon receiving notification of your completed data conversion. Reviewing your CRM database is relatively easy and straightforward: You will simply review 10 to 20 of the major donors or constituents you are most familiar with.
- Is their basic biographical information correct?
- Are their physical addresses correct?
- Are their contacts (emails and phones) correct?
- Are their donations correct? • Are they related to the correct spouse?
- Is their custom field information correct?
Additionally, there are summary and count queries already included in the Advanced Query Wizard of CRM. You can view these queries to see the results of questions like...
- Which of my constituents do not have a primary email address?
- Which of my organizations do not include a contact name?
If after reviewing your data conversion you find discrepancies or have questions, please do not hesitate to consult with your Onboarding Specialist. If a mistake has occurred during the data conversion process (not due to bad or missing data in your data submission), they will be happy to correct it.
Once the conversion is satisfactorily completed, your project manager will provide a Conversion Acceptance Form (CAF) for your organization to sign and return. The CAF ensures both parties agree that the data conversion to CRM has been completed to mutual satisfaction and lets the Salsa team know the two products, Engage and CRM, are ready for integration.
5) Engage Connection
After you have signed your CAF, you are now live on Salsa CRM. You should also be live on Salsa Engage. This does not mean that you are completely finished setting up or configuring either system; it just means that you are using both in a live environment. You may not have set up all your Engage forms by this point and you may not have started to build a cultivation process in CRM, but you can use both systems as an integrated platform.
At this point, we will connect your Engage and CRM systems. Immediately after connecting, data will flow between systems in the appropriate manner. You have most likely been using Salsa Engage to collect donations or send emails prior to the completion of your CRM implementation. At this time we will also initiate the process of pushing any of the data you may have been collecting during that time in Engage over to your CRM. This process may take a few days to complete, but this is normal.
Salsa Scholars – Videos and Interactive Walkthroughs
Salsa Labs is thrilled to provide access to our online, self-paced training program called Salsa Scholars. Inside Salsa Scholars you will find on-demand, interactive learning classes for all of our products. With over 15 hours of training content available to you anytime and anywhere, you’ll be able to start using your Salsa products on the very first day. This also makes new employee onboarding a breeze! Simply point your new employee to the Salsa Scholars platform and they’ll have all the tools they need to get up to speed quickly. The training content on Salsa Scholars continues to evolve with new product feature enhancements.
Knowledgebase - Documentation and Webinars
In addition to Salsa Scholars, our Knowledgebase contains detailed documentation on virtually every aspect of product functionality. The documentation works in concert with Scholars, providing in-depth information on discrete topics. You can also access our Support team directly through the Knowledgebase.
Additional Services and Partners
- Merge All
- Integrations:
DOWNLOAD: Standard Conversion Template
To download a copy of our Standard Conversion Template, click here. Note: this must be filled out correctly and completely for a timely and successful conversion.
Please see this article for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the conversion from Classic to Salsa CRM.