A "hard bounce" happens when, for a reason that appears to be permanent, Salsa Engage cannot deliver an email. Supporters with hard-bounced emails are automatically unsubscribed. Supporters whose emails have hard-bounced on any email blasts can be reported via the Supporter Query.
- Select the Supporters section on the left
- Select the Query tab.
- Select the Create New Query button on the right.
Bounced on ANY Email Blast
If you want to find supporters who bounced on ANY email blast, use the following criteria:
Email Blast History | Bounced | Any
Bounced on a SPECIFIC Email Blast
If you are looking to find supporters who bounced on a specific email blast or one of a few blasts, you can choose the operators One of these or All of these.
This will allow you to choose a specific blast or multiple blasts to search.
Further information is available on how Salsa handles bounced emails, as well as building Supporter Queries and what you can do with them.