In many cases, you may already have an existing record on file that now you wish to add their spouse or partner. To save time, you can copy their record and then update the new copy to be linked as their spouse/partner.
Copying a constituent record guarantees that the address is exactly the same. That's important if you want to generate mailing list queries that depend on having the same address or phone information for spouses. To copy a constituent record to a new record...
- Open the constituent record you wish to copy.
- Click the Edit link at the top of the screen.
- Click the Copy link on the Edit menu. This creates a new constituent record with the same last name, contact, and address.
- If this is to be an Organization record, please see the instructions below for Converting Individual Records to Organization Records.
The first name will not copy over from Spouse #1, so make sure to enter that first name before saving for the first time.
Once the new record is created and their name is updated, go to the Relationships tab to link them to their spouse or partner. Please see this link on how that is set up.