The Donations Node found on the Explorer panel of each constituent record allows you to quickly scan a constituent’s giving history. The Donations Node allows you to easily view all donations and pledges made, see a list of tribute gifts made in the name of the constituent whose record you are viewing, view a comprehensive donation profile/history for the constituent and more.
General Tab
This section contains a history of giving for this constituent as well as reversed donations and event fees assigned to this constituent.
Donation History
The Donation History section contains aggregate information about this constituent's donation totals and details of each donation.
The list of donations is in reverse chronological order by default. Click on the column header to resort the list in ascending or descending order. View a constituent's complete donation history, total gift amounts (dollar value) and total gift count by donation, by pledge/recurring donation profile, and by whether that constituent was the "hard credit" (Primary Donor or Co-Donor) or Soft Credit on a donation record.
For example, if someone donates $100 and they're the only donor, they are recorded as the primary donor and will receive credit for 1 donation of $100 in the first column. If their company then pledges to match double that gift, their company will be the primary donor of the matching $200 gift, and the original donor will receive Soft Credit in the third column of 1 other gift for $200.
The table just below Donation History shows a complete list of all donations where the constituent is the primary donor. It includes the following information:
- List As Name—This usually lists only the primary donor's name, or the primary donor and any co-donors. This field does not list the primary donor and any soft credits.
- Amount—The amount of the gift that pertains to this constituent. If the constituent is the primary donor, this value is 100% of the gift. If this constituent is a co-donor or soft credit and Split Donation Amounts are used, this value is the amount of the split gift.
- Donation Type
- Received Date
- Fund
- Campaign
- Appeal
- Date donation was originally entered into the system.
The Donation Reversals section displays donations that have been deleted or have been replaced by another donation, maintaining an audit trail. For instance, a donor bounced a check and replaced it with cash, or a credit card donation was refunded.
This table includes the following information:
- Reversal Reason
- Original donation amount
- Replaced By ID—The Donation ID of the record that replaced this donation record.
- Received Date of the original donation
- Fund
- Campaign
- Appeal
- Date donation was originally entered into the system.
Event Fees
The Event Fees section shows CRM Events which the Constituent attended and the fees they paid for that event within the CRM Event module, such as registrations, sponsorship, or auction item payments.
This table shows paid and unpaid event fees, including the following information:
- Event Name
- Event Date
- Fee Type
- Billable Amount
- Amount Paid
- Date Paid
- Item Name (if Auction Item)
Honor/Memorial Tab
The Honors/Memorials Tab shows all tribute gifts made in tribute to the constituent whose record you are viewing.
Acknowledgment Recipients
The top panel displays information about constituents who have been assigned as Acknowledgment Recipients through the Relations Node on the constituent explorer, including their full address.
Memorial Donations
Memorials are tribute gifts that are generally made in memory of a deceased individual. In addition to the gift, donors generally provide contact information for whom they'd like to be notified the gift was made. For instance, you may need to enter the deceased as a constituent so they can be linked-to in the donation record. You would also enter family members or next-of-kin as Acknowledgment Recipient Relations to the deceased, so they can receive notification of these tribute gifts.

This table shows the following information about the gifts:
- List As Name
- Amount
- Donation Type
- Received Date
- Fund
- Campaign
- Appeal
- Date donation was originally entered into the system.
Honor Donations
Honor donations are tribute gifts that are generally made in memory of a living individual. Instead of linking the surviving family to the deceased, the honoree themselves are linked to in the donation record.
This table shows the following information about the gifts:
- List As Name
- Amount
- Donation Type
- Received Date
- Fund
- Campaign
- Appeal
- Date donation was originally entered into the system.
[Donor] Notes Tab
Add notes pertaining to this constituent and their giving tendencies on this tab. This is different from the Donation Notes that pertain to a specific donation or the Constituent Notes that pertain to information about the constituent unrelated to giving. The functionality works similarly to Constituent Notes.
Donation Profile Tab
This report allows you to view or export vital information about this constituent if, for example, you are going to visit them and want the information in-hand.
This report contains the following information about this constituent:
- Contact Information
- Name
- Nickname
- Maiden Name
- Home Addresses
- Business Addresses
- Indeterminate Addresses
- All Phone Numbers
- All Email Addresses
- Contact Method
- Contact Reason
- Constituent ID
- Login ID
- Biographical Information
- SSN (even if hidden by Hide/Show Fields)
- Birth Date
- Age
- Deceased Date
- Gender
- Race (even if hidden by Hide/Show Fields)
- Religion (even if hidden by Hide/Show Fields)
- Groups
- Constituent Custom Fields (optional)
- My Salsa CRM Fields (optional)
- Constituent Notes (optional)
- Relationships
- Relation Name
- Age
- [Constituent] ID
- Deceased?
- Donations
- Date
- List As Name
- Amount
- Type
- Payment
- Fund/Campaign/Appeal
- Honor/Memorial
- Balance
- Custom Donation Fields
- Event [registrations]
- Event Name
- Date
- Status
- Registration Level
- Guest Count
Matching Donation Setup Tab
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Salsa CRM provides you with a way to define how organizations define such a program and how foundations can track those matching donations. Salsa CRM provides reports identifying the current match rate that you are collecting and the ability to project higher collection percentages. Click here for more information about configuring your Matching Donation Policy.
Credit Cards Tab
Store credit card or E-Check information in a secure, PCI-compliant fashion on the Donations node of the Constituent record.
Authorize a New Credit Card
- On the constituent record, click the Donations node > Credit Cards tab.
- Click the Authorize New Card/E-Check button.
- The Process Card/E-Check pop-up opens.
- Select Credit Card for the Payment Type.
- Enter the Credit Card Type, Account Number, Expiration Date, Security Code (optional), and an optional Card Note. As soon as you enter the Account Number and Expiration Date and exit the Expiration Date field, a Token number displays on this window. This means that the card is being pre-authorized with and stored in your Cardpointe merchant account. Account numbers (other than the last 4 digits) are not stored and are not accessible within Salsa CRM.
- Click the Authorize Card button.
NOTE: The button should NOT say TEST MODE. If it does, your credit card settings are incorrect.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you enter a correct expiration date. The default date is probably not correct. If the expiration date is incorrect, the card will not work.
Configure E-Check Transactions
E-Checks are a type of ACH transaction, which stands for Automated Clearing House: a way in which banks can electronically authorize checking accounts for online purchases. E-Checks are not part of a default credit card merchant account; it is a separate application and account in order to process E-Checks. You must contact Salsa in order to add E-Checks and authorize your bank account.
In order to have Salsa CRM recognize E-Checks...
- Click the Manage > Configuration menu.
- Select the Credit Card tab on the General node.
- In the Merchant Services Setup section on the right, check the box for Display E-Check Option.
Authorize an E-Check Account
- On the constituent record, click the Donations node > Credit Cards tab.
- Click the Authorize New Card/E-Check button.
- The Process Card/E-Check pop-up opens.
- Select E-Check for the Payment Type.
- Enter the checking account Routing Number, Account Number, Valid Through Date, and an optional Card Note. This process will create a Token for the account as well. This Token represents the account number. The Account Number will not be available in Salsa CRM.
- Click the Charge E-Check button or cancel if you do not wish to proceed.
NOTE: This button should not say TEST MODE. If it does say TEST MODE, then your merchant account configuration is not correct. - Your Merchant Account must charge $1 to authorize checking accounts. This is not a fee. There has to be a non-zero transaction to test the electronic pathways. An Action Required pop-up window explains this need for the $1 donation. The amount will be tracked as a donation under this constituent's record. Click OK to proceed or Cancel to back out of authorizing the E-Check account and the $1 charge.
- If the authorization is successful, a second popup explains that you are about to be presented with a pre-populated Donation screen for that $1 authorization amount.
- When you click OK, this popup and the Credit Card popup behind it close, and a Donation screen is opened in a new browser tab with the following information completed:
- Donor
- Amount
- Received Date
- Payment Type
- E-Check Authorization Number
- The following fields are still required for this donation...
- Batch
- Fund
- All other fields on the donation record are not required. Fields such as, for example, Campaign, Appeal, or Solicitor may be filled in as appropriate.
- When the donation record is filled out to your satisfaction, click Save.
- Close this donation record browser tab.
Once the card or E-Check account is authorized, the information will appear in the Credit Cards tab window. It will be available when entering donations, pledges, recurring donations, through events check-out, etc.
NOTE: Once stored, you cannot edit a card or E-Check authorization. For instance, if the wrong mailing address was on file when the card was authorized, delete the card authorization and re-enter.
Events Tab
Quickly review events for which this constituent registered and how many guests accompanied them.
The following information is reviewable about the event:
- Event Name
- Date
- Guest Status
- Registration Level
- Number of Guests
NOTE: Double-clicking on the event name or any part of the row does not open the even or registration in a new window. You will have to open the event separately.