To view a transaction's details, click any value in the transaction table.
This will take you to a screen with further details, such as the page from which the transaction came, the supporter who donated, or any Salsa Tracking Code available when the supporter donated.
Donation details
A—The first dollar amount in the top left of the panel indicates if this is a one-time or recurring donation and how much the one-time donation or recurring installment payment is worth.
B—If recurring, the second dollar amount indicates the total value of all donations paid so far. This item will only be displayed for recurring donations. For one-time donations, it will be hidden.
C—Just beneath total donations is a credit card profile, showing the card type, expiration date, and last 4 digits of the card used in the transaction. NOTE: credit card numbers are not stored in Salsa Engage.
D—The Source field indicates on which Engage form the supporter submitted the transaction and the timestamp for the transaction. The entry is a hyperlink to the form's Results screen.
E—The transaction's Donor field is a clickable link to their Supporter record. This shows the supporter's information as it is stored in Engage today, not necessarily as it was at the time of submission.
F—The Status field indicates how the current transaction stands, such as whether it was a credit card charge or a refund. For recurring donation templates, this status will indicate whether the recurring donation is Active, Cancelled, or Completed. A completed status indicates that no credit card update was found, so the recurring donation has run its course and will not be attempted again.
G—The Honorarium/Memorial field indicates a gift made in tribute to another person.
H—The subject of a tribute gift is recorded in the Designation field. The Designation field indicates that the donor chose one of the options from the Designation dropdown on the form. This is typically used to indicate that the funds for the donation are earmarked to go to a specific program, but different organizations may use the field in different ways.
I—The Notify field indicates whom to contact in the event of a tribute gift.
J—If a Salsa Tracking Code existed on an Activity when a gift was submitted, it is recorded here.
K—If Smart Amounts were live on a fundraiser form when the supporter submitted the transaction, it is recorded here.
L—Recurring donation details in this area include...
- The recurring frequency
- The recurring start date
- Last successful charge date
- Next charge date
Transaction details
Transactions whose rows are colored...
- White represents active installments.
- Orange represents installments where the charge was attempted but was declined.
- Grey represents installments that are not active and have been replaced or have been paid.
A—Click the checkbox to show installments that were rescheduled.
B—Click the orange button to cancel all future donations that are already scheduled.
C—The dollar amount if this is a one-time or recurring donation and how much the one-time donation or recurring installment payment is worth.
D—Supporter opted to cover the credit card processing fees by increasing their donation.
E—Tax Deductible Amount of the donation.
F—Transaction Date
G—Type of payment (credit card/PayPal/e-check)
H—Which Gateway charges the transaction.
I—The PNREF is a unique transaction identifier that comes from an external source. This PNREF may be from a merchant account or a data import.
J—This field shows the current Status of a transaction, primarily whether the transaction has been charged, declined, refunded, or is a future installment.
K—This Resend Autoresponder icon provides you the opportunity to re-send the original autoresponder to the donor. If the form was configured to not send an autoresponder at the time of the donation, this option will not be available.
L—This Refund icon allows you to start the process to give back the donation. After clicking this icon you must confirm you want to continue as the process cannot be undone.