Keep supporter recurring donations flowing with this add-on service that ensures that the most current information is available for supporters' credit card payments.
This service extends to all Engage clients using Merchant Services as their payment gateway. The installment changes identified below happen for all Merchant Services clients but credit card update checks cannot occur unless you add the service to your CardConnect merchant account. To learn more, please email support.
Banks that service major credit card providers (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, for example) provide updated information to automatically extend your donor's recurring support. This excludes any card-issuing banks that opt-out of providing updater services. There is also a two-week boarding period to take effect.
Credit Card Updater Process
Supporters create recurring credit card payments by submitting a Fundraising form. These donations generate recurring donation profiles that contain monthly or yearly installment schedules. Other frequencies are possible but only when they have been imported from another gateway.
NOTE: Campaign managers cannot manually create recurring donations in Engage.
When credit cards expire, they do so on a monthly basis, typically at the end of the month. Once the supporter's card-issuer updates a credit card expiration date, it may take up to two months to register the updated card with your gateway. Salsa will therefore check for updated card details for two months after the card on file has expired. Additional installments appended to the original profile have a Card Update Check status instead of Unpaid. This status prompts the system to check for a card update on the installment dates.
If it is possible to renew their credit card, Engage automatically takes the following actions:
- Charges the installment.
- Converts the status of installment to Charged (Updated).
- Updates the recurring installment profile to match new expiration date.
- Adds additional installments up to new expiration month/year (including more Card Update Check entries following the new expiration date).
If the supporter's profile has not been updated, Engage changes the installment status from Card Update Check to Expired (No Credit Card Update Found). Once the final Card Update Check installment has been attempted, the profile is marked as Complete.
Card Update Check installments cannot be added, deleted, edited, or individually deactivated.
The table below describes when the extra Card Update Check installments are added based on the installment frequency and how many are added.
NOTE: Recurring installments in Engage are created only with monthly or annual installment schedules. Any frequency other than those two in the table below can only originate from data imported from other gateways.
Recurring Frequency | When Card Update Checks Are Added | Number of Card Update Checks | Delay between each Card Update Check | Date of Card Update Checks |
Monthly | First Month After Card Expiration | 2 | 1 Month | Same Date of Previous Installment |
Annually | First Month After Card Expiration | 2 | 1 Month | Same Date of Previous Installment |
Semi-Annually |
First Month After Card Expiration | 2 | 1 Month | Same Date of Previous Installment |
Quarterly | First Month After Card Expiration | 2 | 1 Month | Same Date of Previous Installment |
Bi-Weekly | First Bi-weekly Date in Month after Card Expiration | X number of 2-week periods up to end of Second Month after Card Expiration | 2 weeks | 2 weeks after Previous Installment |
Weekly | First weekly Date in Month after Card Expiration | X number of 1-week periods up to the end of the Second Month after Card Expiration | 1 week | 1 week after Previous Installment |
Daily | First day in Month after Card Expiration | X number of days up to the end of the Second Month after Card Expiration | 1 day | 1 day after Previous Installment |