Salsa Engage enables you to export transactions to a CSV formatted file.
Step 1: Getting Started
Click Transactions along the left-hand side of the window, and then click Manage Exports tab. The Manage Exports window will open. It features a list of previous exports and, to the right, the + Create an Export button.
Step 2: Create an Export
- Click the + Create an Export button. The Create Export page will open.
- Under Setup, fill out the Name this export and Add a description fields.
Note: The Name field is required and the Description is optional. Both fields are for internal use only; no donor will see these designations. - Click the Next: Export Rules » button in the lower right-hand corner. The Export Criteria page will open.
Step 3: Select Export Criteria
- Click the date field to select the date from which donation information will be included.
- Select the date range of donations that you want to include: 30 days, 90 days, 1 year, or All. The Export Record Count display will show how many records are included for the date range that you have selected.
- Chose to have your donation data exported immediately or at a later time.
- Click Schedule It! to schedule the export. The Export Results page will open with a list of your reports.
Pro Tip: schedule when an export is to be performed based on the time zone of the user that is saving the edit, particularly the time zone setting on that computer workstation. We store the request in a universal time format that will work for all users, regardless of location. A Central time zone user scheduling for an east coast organization has to be cognizant of this relative to when the organization wants the action taken. 10 AM Central time is 11 AM Eastern time! If the time zone setting on the computer is not correct, this can affect scheduling.
Step 4: View Export Results
The third section of your export-making process is labeled Export Results. This is where you'll see the list of available exports, their date, the record size, and whether they're scheduled or available for immediate downloading.
The icon for Export Actions, to the right of the table, changes depending on whether you've scheduled an export or selected the export to be available immediately.
Salsa Engage exports a Comma Separated Value file (CSV). Once you've opened it in Excel or the spreadsheet program of your choice, you can then convert the file to another format. See your spreadsheet program's instructions on how to get your file saved or exported in the format of your choice.
The following fields are exported to the CSV file:
- Donor Id—A unique number assigned automatically by the system that identifies this transaction.
- Donor External Id—A unique number assigned automatically by the external CRM system that identifies this transaction.
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- State Code
- Zip
- Country—Full country name
- Country Code—ISO3166 two-letter country abbreviation.
- Activity Summary Id—The unique number assigned to the transaction by the Activity.
- Activity Form Name—The name of the Engage Activity form that generated the transaction.
- Activity Form Id—The unique number assigned to the Activity form that generated the transaction.
- Activity Total Amount
- Activity Type—Whether the transaction is a one-time or recurring transaction.
- Activity Created Date
- Fund Name—Which Fund designation from Salsa CRM was associated with this transaction when the transaction was submitted.
- Appeal Name—Which Appeal designation from Salsa CRM was associated with this transaction when the transaction was submitted.
- Campaign Name—Which Campaign designation from Salsa CRM was associated with this transaction when the transaction was submitted.
- Designation—If you have configured a gift Designation, the value the supporter submitted is in this field.
- Dedication Type—If the supporter wanted the gift dedicated in tribute as a Memorial or in Honor of someone.
- Dedication—The text component of the supporter's Dedication.
- Notify—Whom to contact regarding this Dedication being made.
- Transaction Id—A unique number assigned automatically by the system that identifies this transaction.
- Transaction Type—Whether the transaction was a credit card charge or an installment that is to be paid in the future.
- Transaction Reason—The type of form that generated the transaction:
- Donation
- Event Ticket
- Transaction Reason Name—The name given to the Transaction Reason, if not a Donation. For instance, if you have an Event Ticket labeled "VIP Ticket" that ticket name would be recorded here.
- Transaction Timestamp—The exact date and time a transaction was successfully submitted to Salsa Engage.
- Payment Gateway—The name of the payment gateway that processed the transaction.
- Transaction PNREF—A unique number assigned automatically by the payment gateway that identifies this transaction.
- Transaction Amount
- Transaction Fees Paid
- Transaction Deductible Amount
- Account Type—Available account types are Credit Card or Other (for offline donations—the Was Offline field below will always be TRUE).
- Account Provider—The credit card type for Credit Card Account Types. Blank for Other Account Types.
- Account Number—A redacted copy of the credit card number, displaying only the last 4 digits.
- Account Exp—The credit card expiration date.
- Was Offline
- Was Imported
- Was API Imported
- [all activity custom fields used on forms are appended here]
- Salsa Track—Salsa tracking code used on fundraising forms.
- Smart Amounts—"Yes" or "No" based on whether each transaction was the result of a "Smart Amounts" ask string.