If you wish to add the first attendees yourself to this event you just created, click the +Add Attendee button to the right of the list of attendees on your Event results page.
Note: Registrant must have a valid, unique email address. Offline Attendees/Registrations/Donations entered into Engage without an email can only happen when capturing email addresses for attendees is optional and the Campaign Manager enters the offline/complimentary registration transaction.
For manually added payments, including offline donations, campaign managers can choose from three payment options:
Pay Offline (Check or Cash) - If this option is chosen, the payment fields are removed and campaign managers can quickly add a payment amount that will then be (optionally) synchronized to Salsa CRM as an "Other" Payment Type transaction. Offline donations by default count towards your goal thermometer and are sent to your CRM:
- Synced via integration to Salsa CRM.
- Exported to a CSV file to be imported into your external CRM system.
- Synced via integration to Salesforce.
Please see this article if you don't want offline donations to be sent to your CRM.
Complimentary - If this option is chosen, all payment and donation fields are removed and campaign managers can quickly add registrants with no payment.
Pay Now with Credit Card - If this option is chosen, donations can be made using a credit card.
- In your Event, navigate to the Results page.
- Click the + Add Attendee button. The Event registration page will open.
- Select the button used to register for the event.
- Select the options that you want to use, and follow the on-screen prompts.
Clicking on either the submission or the attendee directs you to the purchase detail. There are two tabs on that screen as well: a Purchase Summary and Tickets & Attendees.
The Purchase Summary tab shows information about the person who purchased the tickets and a breakdown of the fees associated with that purchase. The purchase source is hyperlinked back to the event Results tab, if published, or to the Setup tab if the event needs to be published.
The Tickets & Attendees tab shows information about the attendees associated with the tickets that were purchased. If the attendee is a supporter, their name will be hyperlinked to their Supporter record. Refund and/or cancel tickets, or edit registration data on this screen.
Editing the registration will take you into your event page's registration process in a new browser tab. You can then change registration data for those who are attending.