The CRM Performance Dashboard provides crucial metrics and trends for an organization to gauge fund development performance over time. Over time, the Performance Dashboard will evolve to include additional metrics.
The CRM Performance Dashboard enables you to see...
- A high-level view of your fundraising progress.
- How your fundraising is performing this year compared to the same point in time last year.
- A snapshot of the performance of your active funds, campaigns, and appeals.
- Trends in your donor growth vs. churn over time.
- The progress of your outstanding pledges.
To get to the Performance Dashboard, click Reports > Performance Dashboard from the main menu.
Many graphs enable you to drill down to see campaigns, funds, and appeals for individual donations. Play around with the interface to discover how much information is accessible.
Note: The CRM Performance Dashboard is restricted to users with the "Salsa CRM Admin" role or users that have roles assigned with the "All Permissions" and "All-Level Access" options checked. Salsa CRM Admins can navigate to the role configuration screen under Manage > Roles and check the Performance Dashboard permission for a selected role. Once you grant permission, the Performance Dashboard link is available under Reports. Users with access to the Performance Dashboard can view and export all tabs.
Filter Your Results
The Performance Dashboard enables you to filter your results to get a more granular view of your data. Filters include the following: Year, Fund, Campaign, Appeal, Donor Type, Groups. You can narrow down your results using Filters and/or individual groups. Filters use AND logic. Individual groups use OR logic.
If you find this a bit complicated, the following may help:
- AND logic means results will need to meet all criteria within the selected set.
- OR logic means results will need to meet at least one criteria or the other criteria.
For example, if you select criteria for Fund, Campaign, Appeal, and Donor Type, results will match all four criteria. So, if you chose just a fund and a campaign, you would get results only for the selected fund and campaign. If there were other campaigns associated with the fund, you would not get those results. Groups also work using AND logic. However, when you select multiple groups (for example, All, Employee, and Volunteer) you get results for constituents in any of those groups, not constituents who are in all three groups. In other words, within Groups, data is returned based on OR logic. In other words, let's say you choose the following:
- Fund = All
- Campaign = Campaign 1
- Appeal = Appeal 1
- Donor type = Individual
- Groups = Employee, Manager, Volunteer
Your results would include data for all funds correlated with Campaign 1, Appeal 1, and Individual donors, in either Employee, Manager, or Volunteer groups.
The values contained in Fund, Campaign, or Appeal will depend on your configuration. Donor Type includes only Individual and Organization. Pledge Revenue offers two options:
Received: This option will always count donations that are actually received. Here's what's included:
- Donation—These are donations that are not associated with a pledge template, matching gift, or recurring template. They're regular one-time donations.
- Recurring—These are donations that are associated with a recurring credit card donation template.
- Matching—These are donations that are associated with a matching gift.
- Pledge Payment—These are donations connected to paying off a pledge installment. This report excludes pledge installments that are unpaid or written off.
- What's excluded: Pledge—This report calculates Pledge Payments made against the installments, not the pledged amount.
- Committed—This option counts the entire Pledge. Here's what's included:
- Donation—These are donations not associated with a pledge template, matching gift, or recurring template. They are regular one-time donations.
- Recurring—These are donations that are associated with a recurring template. Count the installments received, not summing unpaid installments.
- Matching—These are donations that are associated with a matching gift.
- Pledge—This is the entire value of the Pledge. Salsa CRM does not count Pledge Payments, as this would be double-counting.
- What's Excluded: Pledge Payment—These are donations received and connected to a pledge installment. Salsa CRM does not count Pledge Payments, as this would be double counting.
Save Filter Settings
To save your filter settings for the tab that is in focus, click the SAVE button to the top-right of the window. Find the saved filter setting on the MY REPORTS tab.
To rerun a report with the saved filter settings, open the MY REPORTS tab, and double-click the filter set you want to run. The focus returns to the FUNDRAISING tab.
Schedule Reports
After you've created the filters you want, set the date on which you'd like to send that filtered report and to whom you'd send the report.
- Set filters the way you want.
- Click SCHEDULE to the top right of the window. The Schedule Report window will open.
- Enter the following:
- Name—Use a short, descriptive name so that you can later identify the report.
- Description—Enter a brief, detailed description so you can later have a clear idea of what the report is and why you created it.
- Email Subject—This is what will show up in the Subject line of the email we send.
- Email Recipients—Enter a comma-separated list of up to 100 email recipients. These are all of the people who will receive a copy of the report in their inboxes.
- Start Date—This is the date on which the first report generates.
- Time—This is the time at which the first report generates. If you run a report on donations, and most of your gifts arrive by 9 PM, you can set the report to run at 9 PM to capture the latest information.
- Repeat—This determines the frequency at which the report will run.
- Click Save to save and initiate the report schedule.
- Click the MY REPORTS tab > Scheduled to see a list of all scheduled reports. From the Scheduled tab, you can Delete reports, view when a report has run (History), and Edit reports. Edit enables you to change everything except Start Date and Time. To stop Salsa CRM from running a report, you'll need to delete the report that you want to stop.
Overview Tab
This tab tracks core metrics that give you a baseline for understanding your overall fundraising. See how much you raise from year to year, how many donors you have, what giving levels make up your annual totals, and how much an average donor to your organization is worth.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
- Total Donations—This is how many donations you’ve accumulated over time. Use the filters on this page to filter down to a specific fund, campaign, appeal, donor type, or group.
- Total Raised—This is how much money you've accumulated over time. Use the filters on this page to filter down to a specific fund, campaign, appeal, donor type, or group.
- Total Donors—This is how many donors have contributed to your organization over time. Use the filters on this page to filter down to a specific fund, campaign, appeal, donor type, or group.
- Average Donation—This is the average gift size across all of the years in the filter. Use the filters on this page to filter down to a specific fund, campaign, appeal, donor type, or group.
- Fundraising Performance by Year—This provides a trendline for total funds received each year. See the percentage change from one year to the next.
- Revenue Received by Month—Not all donations cluster around the same time of year for every organization. See which months your revenue comes in and compare to previous years. If you see an unexpected spike, you can click into the month to see what donations came in.
- Donor Count in Annual Giving Levels—Donors who give a certain amount each year can constitute a higher proportion of your total donor base. Understanding how this breaks down for your organization will help to guide your outreach and donor engagement.
- Revenue in Annual Giving Levels—This is the proportion of your total funds that originate from donors who give a certain amount each year. Paired with the Donor Count in Annual Giving Level, you can easily see which donor cohorts should get more staff attention.
- Lifetime Average Donor Value by Giving Level—This is a view of how valuable a donor is at each giving level. The calculation is (Average Donor Lifespan) x (Average Annual Donation). Knowing the value of a prospective donor is critical for planning where to spend your development dollars and staff time. For example, if a donor at your highest giving level has a lifetime donor value of $10,000, spending $1,000 in staff time to acquire that donor is very reasonable. Moreover, this graph will track how well you're retaining donors at each Giving Level or getting a higher annual donation; this would be represented in the graph by an increase in Lifetime Donor Value over time. When you hover over a data point, additional data will appear:
- Average Donor Lifespan is the sum of the cumulative years of giving for all donors at a particular giving level divided by the total number of donors at the particular giving level.
- Average Annual Giving is the sum of the annual giving for all donors at a particular giving level divided by the total number of donors at the particular giving level.
Year-to-Date Progress Tab
This tab gives your development team a single location to track your fundraising efforts in the current year, compared to the previous year. While end-of-year fundraising is crucial for every nonprofit, your organization may have seasonal programming, events, or other fundraising activities that spike at different times of the year. On this tab, you can track those spikes.
Note that Pledge Revenue Filter will change the donation types. When you change that filter option to Received, it will count only Pledge Payments. When set to Committed, it will count the total pledge as entered.
For these, each KPI is the number for the current year. Underneath each number (in red) is the % above or below the same metric for the same period last year. Positive values represent an increase and negative values represent a decrease.
- Donors—This is the number of donors who have donated to your organization so far this year.
- Donations—This is the number of gifts that have been made to your organization so far this year.
- Revenue—This is the amount raised so far this year.
- Average Donation—This is the average donation size so far this year.
- Rolling LYBUNT Donors—This is how many donors donated as of this time last year but have not yet given as of this time this year.
- Rolling LYBUNT Revenue—This is how much revenue donors gave as of this time last year but have not yet donated as of this time this year.
- Revenue Compared to Previous Year—This tracks how your fundraising compares to the previous year on a month-by-month basis. This will give you insight into when you experienced fundraising spikes last year so that you can time your fundraising and spending accordingly. Hover over any data point to see the percentage over or under the amount you raised at the same time last year.
- Donors Compared to Previous Year—This tracks the number of donors compared to the previous year on a month-by-month basis. Combined with the previous graph, it will give you insight into when your donors donate versus when your revenue comes in. This will help you anticipate when, perhaps in your case, what a few major donors give versus smaller donors. Hover over a data point to see the percentage over or under the number of donors at the same time last year.
- Online versus Offline Revenue—This tracks when your online versus offline fundraising occurs and how these compare to the previous year. Viewed by month, you can see when your mailings generated offline donations compared to your online asks. This will help you plan your asks seasonally and know when your donors gave last year. Click into a bar segment within a month to view the donations for either Online or Offline donations for that period.
- Revenue by Donation Type—This tracks when you received different types of donations last year compared to this year. This includes one-time, recurring, and matching donations as well as pledges. Click on a bar segment within a month to view the donations types for that period.
Fundraising Initiatives Tab
This tab provides a running measure of how well you have succeeded in your fundraising initiatives. Not every fund, campaign, or appeal has the same goal. Some are short and contained, while some initiatives span multiple years. On this tab, you can see at-a-glance what percentage of your goal you've met. For example, if you have a $10,000 goal for a specific fund and have raised $1,000 toward that fund, then you have raised 10% of your goal. You can also drill into each fund, campaign, and appeal to see where your donors are donating.
- Fund Progress—This is all of your active funds and how well you're fundraising toward each fund goal. Sort the table to see, at a glance, where you’re behind, where you’re over-achieving, and which funds have an approaching deadline.
- Campaign Progress—This is all of your active campaigns and how well you’re fundraising toward each campaign goal. Sort the table to see, at a glance, where you’re behind, where you’re over-achieving, and which campaigns have an approaching deadline.
- Appeal Progress—This is all of your active appeals and how well you’re raising funds toward each appeal’s goal. Sort the table to see, at a glance, where you’re behind, where you’re over-achieving, and which appeals have an approaching deadline.
- Funds by Campaign—Every donation that enters the CRM must be associated with a fund. However, donations that go to a given fund may come from one or more campaigns. This graph shows which campaigns generated a higher or lower proportion of dollars for each fund. Click on a campaign within a fund to see a pie chart of which appeals within a campaign raised money for the fund you’re analyzing.
- Campaigns by Fund—Campaigns may focus on raising money for a single fund, multiple funds, or perhaps any fund. This graph shows which funds a campaign generated revenue for and how much. In addition, you can click on a fund to see which appeals, that were a part of a campaign, led to donations toward a fund.
- Appeals by Fund—Appeals are the specific requests made to donors who lead to donations. Donations that go to a given fund may come from one or more appeals. This shows for what funds an appeal generates revenue and how much. In addition, you can click on a fund to see what campaign the appeal was a part of.
Donor Growth and Retention Tab
Every nonprofit organization has to focus on raising money, and highly successful nonprofits know, year over year, how well they’re keeping the donors they already have. This tab provides a window into your organization’s gains and losses (both in terms of revenue and donors) and how reliant you are on acquiring new donors versus retaining existing donors.
- Total New Donors—This is the number of New Donors (donors making their first donation) that you had during the filtered period. New donors are key to the long-term sustainability of any organization.
- Average New Donors—This is the average number of New Donors (donors making their first donation) each year during the filtered period. Knowing this benchmark is key to understanding whether you’re able to convert prospects into donors at the same rate year over year.
- Average Revenue from New Donors—This is the average revenue received each year from New Donors (donors making their first donation). Similar to knowing the number of donors, knowing how much you can expect year over year from new donors will be key to planning your programming and campaign goals.
- Average Total from New Donors—This is the percent of revenue received each year from New Donors (donors making their first donation). If this metric is too high, your organization may rely too much on new donors and not be focused enough on converting donors into lifelong supporters. This sets you up each year to find more and more new donors to stay afloat. Similarly, if this number is too low, your organization may not be setting itself up for the longer term, as an aging donor base may eventually taper off.
- Average Previous Donors—This is the average number of donors who were not new donors during the filtered period. "Same amount donors" are donors who ultimately sustain organizations for the long term. Use this benchmark for planning your engagement goals.
- Average Revenue from Previous Donors—This is the percent of revenue received each year from donors who were not making their first donation during the filtered period.
- Average Lapsed Donors—This is the average number of donors who donated in a previous year but not in the following year during the filtered period. These donors represent churn and a loss to your organization. Knowing this number will help you benchmark your retaining efforts and plan your budgets from year to year.
- Average Lapsed Revenue—This is the average revenue lost from donors who donated in the previous year but not the following year during the filtered period.
- Yearly Revenue by Gain and Loss Categories—This graph shows where your revenue is coming from each year, by donor category. Each donor category aligns with the Association of Fundraising Professionals Fundraising Excellence Project’s recommendation for fundraising. Using these categories, you can see from year to year which donor categories bring in revenue. Moreover, by seeing which donors lapsed and downgraded, you’re able to see how much you’re losing due to churn. Alternatively, you can see how much your organization relies on existing donors versus new donors. If you only review top-line revenue numbers increasing, you may not realize your organization may be losing valuable (and easily reachable) dollars from lapsing or churning donors. Armed with this knowledge, development directors can refocus donor engagement on retaining existing donors and increasing their annual donation size. You can also see where such initiatives ultimately pay off as your net revenue tracks up or down. Click on any segment of the year to see the donations that compose the total for that donor cohort.
- Yearly Donors by Gain and Loss Categories—This graph shows similar information to the previous graph, except this graph sorts by donor category. This graph breaks down annual totals by donor categories so you can focus your fundraising efforts on the subset that is trending in the wrong direction. Knowing where your donor base falls each year means you can strategically focus on segments that may be trending up or down. Your retention rate may be consistently high, for example. However, your New Donor category may be low as a percentage of income or donor base – illustrating a lack of long-term organizational viability if your program were to take even a minor hit in retention.
NOTE—calculate an overall retention rate from this graph:
Retention Rate (%) = # of (Net-New) Donors [Year 2] / # of Net Donors [Year 1] x 100%
Let's say you have 1120 net donors last year, 400 of whom were new. The previous year you had 988 net donors. Your retention rate would be ((1120-400)/988) x 100 = 72.9%
Revenue Categories
Revenue Category |
Definition |
Same Amount Donor | Revenue from donors who gave the same total amount the previous year and the current year. (For example, totals in 2016 and 2017 are each $100.) |
New Donor | Revenue from donors who gave for the first time in the current year. |
Recaptured Donor | Revenue from donors who gave this year and at some point in a prior year but did not give last year. |
Upgraded Donor | Revenue from donors who gave the prior year and gave a higher total amount this year. |
Downgraded Donor | Revenue from donors who gave the previous year at some total amount who also gave, but at a lower total amount, this year. |
Downgraded Lost | Amount of Revenue lost from downgraded donors. |
Lapsed Donor | Revenue lost from donors who gave the previous year but who have NOT given this year. |
Net Revenue | Having an idea of changes in your "net" values lets you know how you performed overall, with losses accounted for. |
Net Donors | The difference in the number of donors from the previous year. Having an idea of changes in your "net" values lets you know overall how you performed with losses accounted for. |
Pledges Tab
This tab illustrates how well your organization is performing at acquiring and collecting pledges and how it might do in the future. Pledge drives are a tried and true fundraising strategy that many nonprofits employ each year. Knowing how well your staff does at acquiring and ultimately collecting pledges is critical for keeping your drives successful. Here, you can see just how much money you’ve collected, how much you’ve left on the table each year, and how much you’re projected to receive.
Use this information to change your pledge activities to bring your average pledge size and collection rate up. Use the Timeframe filter to include dates into the future, to see a projection of future giving.
- Total Projected—This is the total pledge installments that you expect to receive during the filtered period.
- Total Received—This is the pledge installment amounts actually received during the filtered period.
- Total Past Due—This is the sum of pledge installment amounts past due during the filtered period.
- Total Outstanding—This is the sum of pledge installment amounts with due dates in the future during the filtered period.
- Average Annual Collection Rate—This is the average collection rate of all years in the filtered period. Knowing how well you’re collecting pledges gives you a benchmark for your pledge drives. You can also set realistic goals for your drives and focus on meeting or exceeding your average.
Pledges Projected and Received—This graph shows which years your pledges were collected. Track your collection rate from year to year to see which years were successful and where you fell short. Filter this graph to see which campaigns or funds were more successful or less successful toward pledge fulfillment.