Built-in Reports provide a wealth of knowledge about your donors and their donations without having to build custom reports every time. This article addresses scheduling and emailing customized built-in reports to staff members, similar to existing Performance Dashboard functionality.
In addition, all scheduled reports are listed on a consolidated report page, so admins can filter, search, and edit report configurations.
Recipients will receive an email that contains a link to download the report. That link will work for two weeks from the email send date. If the recipient clicks the link after the two-week window, the download page will inform them the link has expired.
CRM users can log in to the Scheduled Report List and download the file from the list; non-users will need to contact another CRM user who must download the file and email the file externally to the recipient.
Schedule a Report to Email
A Schedule Report button within every Built-in Report makes it easy to email reports to your stakeholders. If a user has access to a built-in report, then the user can schedule a report for email.
NOTE: The Pledge Status Report is already an email-on-demand report. This report cannot be scheduled to be sent at this time.
To set up a scheduled built-in report...
- Set custom filters in a built-in report.
NOTE: Use relative dates (last quarter, last month) in your report criteria in order to have meaningful, dynamic email updates. Custom dates in your report criteria will only produce a report for that date range. - Only filters from the criteria on the left side of the screen may be configured for scheduled reports. Options like the Donor Detail Report's Other Actions cannot be used; only the default configuration may be generated.
- Run your built-in report once.
- Before scheduling a report, you must first save your criteria. Save your report criteria with a unique name.
- Click the Schedule Report button at the top right corner of the screen to open a pop-up window, displaying the following options to schedule the report for email delivery:
Option Description Scheduled Report Name This name displays in the email that gets delivered to the users set in Email Recipients. Also, we will add a unique constraint to this field. As discussed on 6/2/2021, when we pre-populate the name, if the same name already exists, the name is appended with a number, i.e, "Donor Detail Report - Major Funds 2".
Report Description This is the long-form description of the Scheduled Report, i.e., "This will notify the board members each month on the donors that have given to the Building Fund".
Saved Criteria You will need to save a report's criteria to schedule a report email. If you schedule an emailed report but have not saved report criteria previously, you must first provide a Name for the Criteria before they can view the Schedule Report dialog.
Email Subject This is the email subject used in the email sent with the report.
Email Recipients A comma-delimited list of valid email addresses that will receive the scheduled report.
If the email address does not match a Salsa CRM user account, you will see the following warning: Flagged recipients will receive the report, but are not currently users in this account.
Start Date The date on which the system should start to send emails. The only acceptable dates are in the future.
Time The time at which the system should send emails on the start date. The only acceptable dates are in the future.
Meridian AM/PM. The only acceptable dates are in the future.
Repeat The frequency that the system should send emails:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Bi-Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Yearly
If you repeat a report targeted for the first of the month, the report will run on the first of the month every time.
File Built-in reports are formatted versions of the reported data, making them easy to read. Recipients will receive either a PDF or the Excel version of the report. File names represent an easy reference to the associated report:
- [Datetime]-[Org Name]-[Report Type]-[Saved Report Name]
- For example 20201103_12-45-OIC-Donor_Detail-Monthly_Greater_Than_500.pdf
- Access to these downloadable files expires after 14 days. If the recipient clicks an expired link, they will see the following message: The link you're using to download your report has expired. If you're a user in [Organization Name]'s Salsa CRM account, you can download this report by logging in and viewing your Scheduled Reports under Reports->Built-in Reports. If you're not a current user, please contact your Salsa CRM administrator for more information.
- Once you have set all your Scheduled Report options, click the Schedule Report button at the bottom of the pop-up window.