The instructions for this report specifically are tailored to use functionality in Microsoft Excel. Similar functionality might be found in other spreadsheet programs, namely the ability to filter on column values.
To create a report of 'loyal donors' -- donors who have donated consistently, in consecutive years...
Go to your Reports > Gifts > Donor Detail menu.
On the top row of the report, set your multi-year date range with the From and To dates in the top right. To select the entire current year, you have to make the To date January 1 of next year.
To the left of the window, deselect Include Co-donors and Include Soft Credit Donors.
Make sure Consolidate Spouses is checked.
Any other Additional Filters or Excluding Gifts in Kind are optional preferences.
To the right of the Run Report button, change 'Formatted' to 'Advanced Query by Year'.
Run the Report. The results will open in a Query Results format.
Select Convert to Spreadsheet at the bottom left. Data should appear in Excel.
In Excel, click the Sort button from the Data ribbon menu. Then click Filter. This adds filter icons to each column.
Select the yearly column header filter icon.
Deselect the $0.00 checkbox. This will hide all donors who gave $0 in that year.
Do this for all yearly columns, and only the donors who gave consistently in every year will be displayed.