Forms allow you to track information specific to your organization and store this information to individual constituents’ records. Forms also allow you to record information that may constantly change and retain a copy of all of the forms so that you can refer to past information. This functionality combines the best features of Custom Fields and Notes functions. You can create an unlimited number of forms within Salsa CRM, and create an unlimited number of fields within each form.
For instance, a non-profit organization that collects student scholarship application data online might want a custom screen that keeps track of the submission date and time, as well as all the answers to the questions the student submitted. If these fields were tracked on a My Salsa CRM screen, the customer would be able to track only the most recent visit information, as every scholarship submission would overwrite the old data with new data. Some customers use Note screens to get around this limitation with Custom Fields, but then it is up to them to remember to enter all the required information in the Note every time.
Forms Workflow
In the above workflow, blue steps represent critical pathways. Green steps represent optional pathways.
The Form Designer gives you the ability to design elaborate, multi-page forms. Set very specific editing on each field such as whether it is required or may be left blank, or what type and length of content is allowed. Once the form is designed, there is no limitation on the number of instances that can be assigned to a constituent. Like the Notes function, this allows you to keep track of many years worth of history for every form.
You may define an unlimited number of forms. When adding a form instance to a constituent, you are presented with a popup asking you to select which form you wish to complete. This allows you to design forms to track all constituent activity in one location.
Query form data from any field that relates to basic constituent information such as name, address and phone number. In order to query by other fields, you will need to assign those fields as Keyword fields. Keywords are chosen from the field labels you created in the form. You can set up to 10 fields as keyword fields. These 10 keywords are extremely important because they allow you to filter on the keyword fields more easily when you are creating a Form type query.
NOTE: All form content can be returned on a query, but only the 10 keywords can be used as filters.