The Salsa CRM toolbar is an internal navigational aid to direct you to all the functionality that Salsa CRM has to offer. This toolbar is available at the top of every screen in the software.
CRM Logo 
Click this icon to take you to the My Dashboard screen. You can also reach the same screen by selecting the Manage > My Dashboard menu.
Constituent Search 
This field helps you to quickly open a constituent in which you're interested. In the white text box in the toolbar...
- Type an individual's name for your search either as Firstname Lastname or Lastname, Firstname (with the comma included).
- Alternately, type an Organization Name or partial name for your search.
- Either press the Enter key or click the Search button. If there is only one Constituent record that matches your search criteria, that record will open immediately.
- If there is more than one record, a list will open from which you can make the appropriate selection by clicking once on the Constituent's name.
Check out this article for more information on Constituent Search.
Phonetic Search
If you're looking for an individual constituent and think you may have the right name but aren't sure, Salsa CRM can search for individual constituent last names that potentially sound similar (this does not work for Organization records). Use the tilde character ~ before the person's last name for a Phonetic Search. For example, if you type ~smith into the constituent search field, you will find other last names such as Schmidt or Smythe.
Manage Menu
Most links on this menu configure, set up, or otherwise manage data in Salsa CRM. There are many submenus with lots of functionality to configure. Links to further information on the functionality listed below.
Reports Menu
If you put something in Salsa CRM, you should expect to get it out again. Find your Performance Dashboard, Built-in Reports, and Custom Query reports easily.
Tools Menu
Tools to help manage data and tasks within the system.
- Tasks
- Constituent Merge
- Salsa Engage - only available with purchase of Salsa Engage
- Long Running Processes
- Schedule
- Forms
- Geographic Responsibility
- Database
- Data Sync
- Unlock Workflow Queues
Add Menu 
Add new information to Salsa CRM from this Add menu. Add the following information:
- Constituent (Individuals or Organizations)
- Gift (such as a donation, pledge, recurring credit card donation, gift-in-kind, planned gift, etc.)
- Campaign
- Appeal
- Fund
- Batch
- Group
- Task
Donation Search Icon 
Search for an existing donation from this screen using the following parameters:
- "List As" Name
- Type
- Donation ID
- Minimum Amount
- Maximum Amount
- Donation UUID
Please see this article for more information on searching for donations.
Favorites Icon 
Every user can add frequently accessed constituents or links to their favorite functionality to their own Favorites list.
Favorite Screens
To add a constituent's name from the Favorites list...
- Click the Favorites button.
- Click the Favorite Screens tab if it is not already selected.
- Click Edit List.
- To see an expanded list of options next to each category heading, click the + sign next to Manage, Reports, or Tools.
- Click the desired checkboxes.
- Select Save.
Favorite Constituents
To add a constituent's name from the Favorites list...
- Click the Favorites button.
- Click the Favorite Constituents tab.
- Choose Add Favorite Constituent. The Constituent Search screen opens.
- Enter the desired constituent search parameters.
- Click the Search button.
- If multiple possible matches are listed, double-click on the desired constituent name to add that record to the Favorites list.
To remove a constituent's name from the Favorites list...
- Click the Favorites button.
- Click the Favorite Constituents tab.
- Click the X to the right of the constituent you wish to remove.
Task Reminders Icon 
The Task Notification system will alert you in the event of a reminder set for any particular actions to take, such as Pledge installment payment reminders, or Programmable Task reminders.
If you have a reminder, there will be a red circle with a number of reminders to the right of the Task Reminder icon, as seen in the screen capture below.
Once you click on the red box, the My Tasks window will display. Any Task descriptions due today will display in a gold font, and any past-due tasks will display in a red font.
NOTE: You can also access the My Tasks window at any time from the Tools > Tasks > My Tasks menu.
Need Help Icon 
Find the Salsa CRM software learning resources you need:
- Help—Learn how to use the software features interactively using our in-app walkthroughs.
- Documentation—Read how and why to use Salsa CRM functionality in our extensive knowledge base articles.
- Submit Support Request—Send a direct request for help to our Customer Support team.
- About—View the current software version, build number, and a QR code so you can quickly share access to your Salsa CRM database (everyone still needs a user login to access your database).
Current User Menu 
The name in white at the right side of the toolbar indicates the user currently logged in to Salsa CRM. Clicking on this name shows a menu of options for this user.
My Settings
Use the My Settings menu to set personal, user-specific configuration options for Salsa CRM that affect only your login. All modifications made to these settings are not applied globally.
- Word Processing Options
- Email Signature
- Other User Settings
- Favorites
This link logs the current user out of the system and takes you back to the login screen.